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Harry's POV

I fell asleep just as the train started. I woke up because the trolley witch knocked on the door. But I declined any sweets, as I tried not to draw attention to myself. I looked down at my watch and saw that I was only asleep for about thirty minutes. I sighed and unshrunk my stuff. My trunk had been slightly crushed from when I was sleeping and I cursed for not putting a protection charm on it. I took out my biscuits and took a bite of one.

My mind kept on wandering to the mystery package I received. What did dandelions have to do with anything about love? I took out the glass box again, looking around for the dandelions. Maybe there was a clue to them that I didn't really think about.

I tried a revealing spell and a disillusion charm but neither worked. I put the flowers near my glasses and looked really close. Just in the center of the smallest flower was a strand of what looked like hair. I pulled it out and it indeed was hair. Suddenly I had the most brilliant idea. I could just make a polyjuice potion and see who's hair this is. It might lead me to a clue about who sent the note and who loves me. After staring at the flowers for a while, I sighed and looked out the window as I ate some more biscuits.

I jumped as someone knocked on the compartment door. I quickly put the dandelions and biscuits away as I sat up. Neville Longbottom stood there in all of his heroic glory. He looked like a model, someone out of a muggle magazine. I smiled and beckoned for him to come in. "Hey Harry, how's it been?" He walked in smiling and closed the door behind him. He sat down across from me, clearly excited to see me again.

"Hey Neville, I thought you weren't coming back this year. It's good to see you."

"My Gran thought it would be a good idea for me to get out of the house. But I also wanted to come back to finish my herbology studies. Oh, I saw the news article about you. You should really do something about it. You did save the world, I'm sure you have some say in what gets published about you."

"I gave up trying to go against the ministry and the Prophet a while ago. I didn't even get thanked for saving the world, do you really think I have a say in what they publish about me in the newspaper?" I sighed, clearly frustrated with how my life was headed.

"Hey, where's Ron, Hermione, and Ginny? I figured they'd be coming back with you." Neville looked around and saw my one trunk.

"Ron moved in with Bill and Fleur, Hermione is in Australia with her parents, and Ginny broke up with me so I haven't really spoken to her since May. Hermione writes though. She's attending muggle college now." I smiled at the thought of my friends.

"Oh, really that's so great. I'm happy for her. Hey, did you hear Malfoy's coming back to school this year?" Neville asked me. And just like that my world turned upside down.


A/N: Hey, I know I have like five other stories and stuff started on this account (not including my other account) but I felt the urge to write this so enjoy : ) vote, comment, and follow (if u want!)

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