chapter 1/prologue

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authors note: hello to whoever is reading this! i hope you're having a great day/week. i'm not taking this too seriously, like AT ALL. i'll try to make it decent writing but just keep that in mind lmfao.  i doubt anyone will read it but if you do i appreciate it! this is a draco malfoy love story, and there will be trigger warnings or age advisories based on the content in the chapter. this is just mostly backstory and a flashback this chapter. also, i'm editing on my phone and i don't have capitalization, and i may make spelling mistakes, so please don't be upset. there will be some teen drinking, cussing and sexual encounters and i will say so when/if there is.
warning: short mention of sexual encounter, dialogue and descriptions
now on with the story!

aurora jade snape never had an ordinary life. yes it was cliche, but better than boring, right? well sometimes it didn't feel that way. there was several moments in her life when she wished she was someone else, specifically ginny weasley, or hermione granger. at least they were normal and well...likable. but aurora never let her guard down. she refused to. she'd been hurt in the past and already took time to trust someone new. the few she trusted were nearly the only people in her life. having an intimidating potions professor at hogwarts as your father, well it indeed was not easy. but she got to see the side of him only her mother and lily potter had seen.

aurora's mother died in a tragic accident only a few years ago. her father was in shock for a while, he didn't even react until the news set in. she liked to believe her father and her were good people. ish. okay maybe not that good. at least to what others saw. aurora was like her mother, dark, long, wavy hair, slim and tall figure, round almond eyes, a mesmerizing hazel shade. she even spoke like her mother and moved like her. aurora believes this is why her father hasn't completely crumbled. she's like a mini version of her mother, amelie.

her mom and dad started off as a one night stand, as she had learned through an extremely awkward conversation at the mere age of 7. but she was always acting older than she was. maybe it was the trauma. but she didn't care, and never was one to seek others opinions. in that way she was like severus.

when her father realized he had feelings for the woman he slept with as a distraction, he sought after her in secret. and they started a family with aurora and they all lived happily ever after. the end. SIKE! ah, if only. she would miss her mother yes, every day. but less and less, besides she was a busy girl.

tonight was november 1st and it marked the day of two months at hogwarts in her 5th year. she had been excited for this year, over the summer it was horrendous. her father was never home, always off at some meeting for the dark lord. although they never spoke of it when he got home at the late hours of the night. aurora had enough common sense to know no decent father would want their child performing devious tasks for the most famous and cruel wizard known.

her summer really was uneventful. but, she did grow an inch and a half, now being 5'7. not that she had real friends who'd notice. aurora only transferred to hogwarts last year, her father tried to keep her at beauxbatons, for whatever reason. it was although she had a severe allergy to the school that was cured when she turned 14. 

she got sorted then with all the first years and no one even knew she was severus's daughter until a week later being sorted into ravenclaw. yes, ravenclaw. for those of curiosity, wit and a love of learning.

she was certain everyone heard professor mcgonagall call her name that evening; "next. aurora snape." there was gasps and murmurs, of course. but only moments later, being sorted into ravenclaw, somewhat unexpectedly, her peers assumed it was just a coincidence she had the same last name as a professor. later the week though, she accidentally called her father "dad" instead of professor and no more than a few students heard. but everyone knows gossip at hogwarts spread like wildfire.

she didn't mind, until people started treating her differently.

slytherins like blaise zabini and pansy parkinson tried to kiss her ass, they seemed too curious about her family and their secrets. but everyone else seemed afraid of her, so she didn't see another choice but to make so-called friends with them. they were the only popular slytherins that dared interfere with a witch or wizard from another house. they treated her well enough. at least she thought so, she didn't have a big enough record of friends to know what she deserved as one.

being friends with blaise and pansy, of course meant associating with him. aka the devil. but she'd never say that aloud. draco lucius malfoy was NOT someone she feared, no but she truly pitied him. she didn't show it, he'd have her head if she did. but she knew him well enough, better than any student, maybe even better than his cruel father. her father often had to visit the malfoy manor and she wasn't old enough to be left at home until recently, so she tried to befriend him but soon regretted it. there was another instance when severus had to host a meeting at their home, just a small one. voldemort wasn't there, just the malfoys, and some other wizards who most likely joined out of fear or bribery. she didn't have interest to know who they were.

but slightly over two months ago, days before school was ought to begin, aurora made the best decision and worst mistake she had made in a very, very long time. she had hooked up with draco malfoy.

"oh god.." aurora grunted at the overstimulation. "please..don't stop, draco." the cold-skinned man continued to massage her breasts, attacking them with his mouth as he tediously circled his middle finger on her clit. "mmm you like that?" he asked, shooting her his signature smirk. her stomach flipped at this. all aurora could manage was a nod. draco ripped his hands away, angrily and teasingly. draco took off his belt and tossed it across the room like it was achingly painful having his clothes on. unzipping his black trousers, he said;"then work for it."

aurora mentally slapped herself for having him on her mind for the past two months. but how could she not..? it didn't matter. they were just friends. wait, no. they weren't even that. he most likely just tolerated her now and saw her as a challenge that night. that's all...right?

NOTE: ahhh tysm for reading if anyone made it to the end of this chapter! i'm not exactly sure where this story is going and it's not serious and unless i get enough reads, requests, votes, etc. i will most likely update slowly until i have a reason not to. i hope you enjoyed this chapter and for future notice, give me suggestions on plot, friends and love interests. it won't be a super slow burn story. i cant stand those haha. reminderrrr: i'm NOTT taking this seriously and i am not a professional writer. please vote!! :)

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