"it's okay Trig we did good, Cobra said so"

"we did?"

"yeah! I killed people too and so did Bricker!"

"oh.. then I guess I did do good" I smiled

"yeah exactly"

"you got my back if I do bad though right?" I whispered

"always, I love you"

"i love you too"

—End of Flashback—

I sighed as I found myself at Billie's door a couple hours later

"bil.. baby it's me can I come in"

"i guess" her voice said from the other side as she opened her door

I crashed my body into hers and hugged her tight kicking the door shut behind me.

"i'm so sorry baby" I mumbled into her neck

"s-sorry? Trig I was the one who killed-"

"no you weren't, Cobra must've made you and I'm so sorry I didn't let you explain" I felt hot tears fall down my cheeks

"you're right.. i didn't kill her.. she killed herself" she whispered the last part and I pulled away in shock

"she what?"

Billie explained everything to me. Everything she had to do, every little detail of the few days that she was away, how she killed those people, and how Jinx was forced to kill her but killed herself instead

"trig say something.." she grabbed my face to face towards her

I wasn't mad at Billie. I wasn't sorry for what had happened. The only thing that was in my mind was my plan, anger took over me everything that Cobra made me do, made Jinx do, made Bricker do, made Billie do. It was all too much and I know now that this has to happen now or never

"i know what to do" I blurted out

"do what? what do you mean? what?"

I looked into her eyes "remember my plan to get you out"


"i'm going to kill Cobra" i said coldly to show how serious i was

"what? Trig no you're not"

"look what he causes Bil! if it wasn't for him you wouldn't of even been here, don't you want to see your family?" I shouted

"i- of course I do i think about them every day but I can't let you kill him" she snapped back

"WHY NOT? ITS THE ONLY WAY.. the only way to get you out I can't have you here any more I can't be here anymore"

"you'll be just as bad as him"

"it's the only way to get you out"

"so what? if you kill him you'll have so many people after you!" she screamed

She was right, I hadn't thought about that part before

"i don't care about myself Bil, I never have but I do care about you and I want you out of here"

"well maybe you need to stop caring about me" she scoffed

"what do you mean?" I asked not expecting to hear that

"i can't let you get killed because you were doing something for me, I don't want to be apart of it"

"i have Malcom's gang helping me"

"malcom's dea- you killed malcom??"

"i- yeah.. and I convinced them to help me which is where I have been this whole fucking time"

"so that's where you go huh? you get your arm fucking sliced up for what? to get me out?" she yelled

"of course I would don't you see how much I care about you? Oh my god you're so fucking selfish"

"selfish? you're the one- you know what i'm done get out"

"done with what?"

"this.. us we're over Trig get out"

"you know what FINE i'll kill him myself and get out myself" I screamed and slammed the door shut running to my room

I collapsed on my bed and started crying. I really fucked it up this time, I should've kept it to myself


AHHHHH please don't hate me for thatttttt i'm in an online lesson right now and it's boring as fuck bro like wtf stop trying to ask us questions bc none of us are paying attention

Keep you in the dark | Billie EilishWhere stories live. Discover now