Chapter Twenty: Who's In Control?

Start from the beginning

Allison took out her small yellow notepad and a pen, writing something down. She showed you what she wrote and you read it out loud. "I'm sorry. Really, I am. For everything." You read. You smiled and shook your head. "It's fine, Allison. We can no longer change the past. But I do wish we could. I would've saved you from Harold Jenkins..."

Allison looked at you confusingly. She started writing again and showed it to you. "Harold Jenkins didn't do this to me." You read out loud. "Wait. I thought it was Jenkins? Then who did this to you?"

Your sister flipped through some pages, looking for something. She finally found it and showed it to you. "Vanya. Powers." You gasped. "Vanya has powers? And she did this to you?"

Allison nodded and started writing again. "But she didn't mean to do it."

The house shook for an unknown reason. You told yourself it was just a small earthquake but suddenly, you thought about Vanya. Allison gave you a knowing look. "That's Vanya." Allison wrote those words down on her small notepad.

You immediately ran off, ignoring the shaking of the house. You dodged some falling small debris until the shaking stopped. "Shit. Luther." You quickly went downstairs to find no one. "Where are they?"

You saw Diego and Klaus following someone so you followed the two to find them heading towards the basement. 'We have a basement?' You continued to follow them and found a metal chamber underground. Your eyes widened in horror. "What... the... fuck..."

Diego and Klaus jumped in surprise to hear your voice. Klaus hugged you tight, lifting you up, and spinning you. "(Y/n)! You're awake and okay!"

"Yeah, yeah, what's happening?" Klaus placed you back in the ground. You saw Luther staring at something in the metallic sound-proof chamber. "Luther? Where's Vanya."

Luther didn't say anything so you decided to look for yourself. Your eyes widened again to see your sister, Vanya, locked up inside. You slammed your palms on the door. "Vanya! Vanya, wake up!"

You turned to Luther, pulling his giant arm. "Luther, let her out there!"


"Luther, you son of a bitch, she didn't do anything!"

"You locked up our sister because you think she has powers." Diego pointed out, staring at the chamber where the unconscious Vanya is.

"No, I know she does. Pogo told me." Luther calmly said, ignoring your punches in his arms. "He's always known, and so did Dad."

You and your siblings, excluding Luther, gasped to hear someone constantly knocking and slamming their fists on the door. You turned to see Vanya, finally awake, crying and pleading for anyone to help her get out of the horrifying chamber.

You looked back to Luther. "Luther, please, I'm begging you. She's scared. Let her out."

"Am I the only one that didn't know this place existed?" Diego asked. "We literally just followed you, Luther. How the hell did you know about this place?"

"Pogo told me."

"He hid so much from us." Klaus sighed, staring at Vanya in sadness.

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