Bad luck?

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I stand infront of the school gates once again. "I wish it was friday" i thought and looked to my bestfriend.

[y/n]: "Do we have to go to school today? can't we just skip class?"

[ybf/n]: " [y/n] you know we have to go to class, our parents will get mad at us if we don't! besides whats the worst that can happen?"

[y/n]: " Please can we just skip! just this once? i beg!"

[ybf/n]: " No! don't ask again! i don't want to get into trouble... you can get through this stay positive!"

[y/n]: "ugh, fine.."

my friend gives me a pitty smile and runs off to her class. i stand there clenching onto my backpack and try to predict whats gonna happen today. as i calm myself down a little i heard footsteps coming from behind me, i turn quickly around and spot Quackity! "just the person i didn't want to see today" i think to myself. Quackity has a evil grin on his face and gives me a hard push to the point to where i  fall to my knees and drop my backpack, my backpack unzips itself and my notes scatter on the ground. 

[y/n]: " what did you do that for?!"

[Quackity]: "well if you weren't in my way i wouldn't of pushed you!" 

[y/n]: " you could of when around me.."

[Quackity]: "whats the fun of that?"

[y/n]: "..."

[Quackity]: "idiot"

Quackity walks off and i try and pick up my notes and books off the ground. i get up and go to class.

-In class-

[Teacher]: " okay students our next topic we are looking into the history of Japan, but this does require presentation-

the whole class roars with groans 

[Teacher]: " come on it won't be that bad, it will be in partners so you don't have to procrastinate alone!" 

the whole class roars with groans once more

[Teacher]: " fine if your gonna act like that i will choose your partners"

"Oh shi-, i barely know anyone in this class other than- oh no.." i thought panicking in my own head

the Teacher lists off a couple of peoples names until it got to mine

[Teacher]: " [y/n] and Quackity! you will be working together on this project, your topic is the history of cherry blossoms"

[y/n] [Quackity]: " WHAT?!"

i start to panick even more than i was before i couldn't even hear what the teacher was saying at this point, "at least i won't actually have to work with him i can research it by myself right?" i thought for a long time then Quackitys voice broke my thought process.

[Quackity]: " Atleast i am working with a cutie like you other than the other thots"

[y/n]: "uh okay?"

I blush heavily and Quackity notices, and smiles

[Quackity]: "Why don't we work on our project at my house?"

I blush even more that my face was practically red, Quackity laughs loudly and goes on his phone as the teacher was teaching, this was undoubtedly a joke, or was it? i shake my head and tried to focus on what the teacher was saying, but i never stopped thinking about it.

Bully Quackity x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now