Chapter 3

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I pulled up at Desires apartment complex and, got out the car. I texted her letting her know I was outside. I opened the door and Desire was laying on the couch watching Love and Hip-Hop Atlanta. Hi, hunnie!!, I screamed at Desire. Hey boo, she said smiling. I kicked of my Bred 11's and sat next to her on the couch. So girl tell me everything,she said sitting up on the couch. 1 hour later: I told her what happened and, she said I could stay with her until I got my own apartment.
Desire p.O.v

I'm Desire I'm 5'5 and, I'm Hawaiian and Black. My hair stops about mid-shoulder and I'm 18 years old.My daddy is a big time drug dealer named Deo. My mama well... FUCK her she ain't did nothing for me or my lil' sister but, give birth to us. She's probably out smoking on a crsxk pipe. I live by myself with my lil' sister but, of course my dad still supports me 100%, ya know money wise. Me and Duthches sat there talking about her living with Ariana and me. You can sleep in the guest room, ok? "Ok, thanks but, I won't be a burden to long, ok?," Duthches said. Girl please I'm gonna love having you here it be boring I said smiling warmly at her. Ok, hunnie thank you she said laughing. Well, let's get some rest we got work in the morning. You right she said, getting up and going to the guest room. I went in Ariana's room and she was asleep, I smiled and left the room door cracked before going to bed.

**The Next Day**

Dutches p.O.v

I took off of work today so, that I could go to my dad's house and, pick up the rest of my things. I pulled out my Iphone 6s, and called my nigga Knowledge.Knowledge was 6'1 and light skin with long dreads and a grill.

Phone convo- Me: Hello?

Knowledge: wats good Dutch?

Me: Nun I just called to check up on you seemed like you threw me away nigga!

Knowledge: haha naahhh I been busy Dutch out here tryna make it, but watchu getting into tonight?

Me: Nun just gonna be unpacking I moved outa of my dad's house now I'm living with Desire.

Knowledge: damn, you finally left yo old strict pops?? And how Desire fine ass doing anyways?? Well, imma come over with my niggas.

Me: yes, and Desire is fine and ok haha but igtg ttyl.

Knowledge: Ite Dutch.

**Phone convo over**

Ite Desire I'm going to get the rest of my stuff from my dad's house, I yelled from downstairs. Ite babes be careful I'm probably gonna be at work when you come back, I get off at 9:00!, she yelled. Ok, hunnie see ya! I shut the door and went to my Dad's house, luckily he wasn't home so I had to make this quick. I grabbed my key out of my purse and jogged to the door and opened it. I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed everything I could and took it back to my car. I hoped in the car and sped off, not wanting to face my dad.

Desire p.O.v

I dropped off Ariana at my aunt house for a couple of days I needed a break from her little bad ass. On my way to work I started thinking of when I'm actually gonna find my true love. I have a major weakness for thugs. I been thinking bout knowledge,but I don't think he's interested in me. I got a text from Dutch bringing me out of my thoughts.

Phone Convo
Dutch: hey, umm is it alrite if knowledge and his boys come over tonite?

Me: yea, that's fine I'll stop by the store when I get off work to pick us up some drinks and stuff.

Duthch: yaaasss, turn up hunnty!

Me:you so stupid lol but ite ttyl I gotta go to work.

Dutch: lol ok bish.

**Phone Convo Over**

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