➷ Yukako | Mate

Start from the beginning

"You don't have to worry," you smile, "I've led those nasty hunters away from here and out of my forest."

Your forest?

Snuffling softly to take in your scent again, Yukako slowly realized you are a witch. Noticing her sudden distraction, you place your hand on her head and gently run your fingers through her soft fur.

The she-wolf flinches at your unexpected touch, her hackles rising as she prepares to bite at your hand before hearing your soft whisper of "Oh, what lovely fur you have."

Yukako freezes at this and feels her heart skip a beat. If she was in her human form she'd be blushing, instead, she finds herself unintentionally purring from your comment.

You let out a small laugh the moment Yukako relaxes at your touch before whining when you pull away.

"Don't worry, my dear," you coo softly.

Yukako feels her heart flutter at the endearment, the sudden affection she has for you growing. 

"I need to get this nasty trap open, so brace yourself," you warn.

Yukako releases a soft rumbling growl at your warning, her head shifting away to focus on the darkness ahead as she braces herself. The sudden smell of ozone and spicy earth tones causes her to tense before the sound of the trap creaking opens follows. Slowly, her leg is gently removed from the harsh confinement and onto the cool ground.

With a soft rumble, Yukako goes to lick at her injury that is already beginning to heal before turning her attention to you when you stand up.

Brushing off some leaves you say, "Well, I best be returning home, but if you need shelter for the night you can follow me."

Yukako lets out a soft rumbling growl in response as she follows closely behind you to your home. Instead of following you inside, the she-wolf decides to rest underneath the small wooden hay shed.

Wishing her a soft good night you leave Yukako to her own devices while deciding to check up on her in the morning.

Yukako stirs awake the moment the first bird begins to tweet its song. Lifting her head slowly she takes notice of a note along with a small jug of water and a bowl of fresh fruit. Slowly shifting back into her human form, Yukako takes the time to read the note you left her while popping a sweet grape into her mouth.  

Good morning, my dear.

I hope you're feeling well.

I've left some water and fruit for you as a light breakfast since I'm sure you'd rather hunt for your own meal if it's not enough.

Those pesky hunters are still roaming around the forest, but I've managed to keep them away and off your trail.

Do not fret, I'll make sure they won't be bothering you as long as you're in my forest. So, take as much time as you need to rest.

You'll always be welcome here.

- [Y/n]

Placing the letter down, Yukako couldn't help the rosy blush from spreading across her faces as she felt her heart fill with immense love.

There's only one possible option of why she so easily fell in love with you.

You are her mate!

"I can't believe I found my mate," she beams as she hugs your note to her chest.

Yukako knew she'd have to begin courting you, but in the state she's in now, she couldn't do so.

Leaving the water jug and empty bowl by your house door, she shifts back into her wolf form and darts into the forest.

She has a lot of plans to make to show you she'd make a good mate.

It takes Yukako a week before she's brave enough to show up at your door dressed in her best clothing and bouquet of flowers in hand. Hearing the soft thumping of your heart, Yukako eagerly awaits for you to open the door.

Once the door is open, she thrusts the bouquet into your arms.

Amused, you hold the flowers close while uttering, "I'm happy to see you're alright, my dear."

Slightly stunned she couldn't help but stutter out, "You recognize me?"

"Of course," you chuckle, "I'd never forget such lovely eyes as yours."

Yukako puffs up slightly in pride but the blush won't leave her face at your praise.

Stepping to the side you say, "I was just finishing supper, why don't you come in?"

Without a second thought, Yukako eagerly enters your home for the first time.

A few days turn into weeks as Yukako spends her time with you practically every day, trying to woo you to the best of her ability. The ways to show you she'd be a capable mate was by helping you around the house or running errands for you. The simple things you do she'd take over, showing off her strength when it's called for.

Every second she spends with you, the deeper she falls in love with you.

Soon enough, she could no longer hide her intense emotions.

Boldly she declares, "[Y/n], I want you to be my mate!"

Yukako is blushing now after her declaration as you stare at her in surprise. The she-wolf grins when she notices the pretty red blush blossoming across your cheeks.

Leaning forward you give Yukako's cheek a soft peck before uttering, "I'd love to."

The she-wolf is over the moon at your acceptance as she pulls you into her arms, a loud rumbling purr escaping as she kisses you.

Absolutely nothing could ruin Yukako's happiness until the day she finds you missing.

On one of the late nights she goes out hunting, she unexpectedly returns to her home completely destroyed. The smell of hunters is still thick in the air, the culprits abducting you in the dead of night on the night of a full moon no less.

A furious snarl slips past her lips as her anger begins to reach new heights, her dark hair slowly turning white.

Yukako is absolutely pissed.

In her rage, the she-wolf allows herself to let loose as she tilts her head toward the moon to release an intense yet bone-chilling howl.

In a village not far from your forest you hear Yukako's howl and smile, your gaze turning to the suddenly frightened hunters standing guard at your cell.

Leaning back you let out a soft giggle while uttering, "My love's coming for you, all of you."

(⌐■ ̫ ■)  I'm not gonna lie, I absolutely enjoyed writing this little Oneshot.

Once again, Happy Halloween!

Once again, Happy Halloween!

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