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The first thing we did was find Lana and James. Wherever they were. We met up together and hid in another spare room as we discussed the blueprint. James furrowed his eyebrows and leaned down to get a closer image of the map for himself.

"I don't see any other..." James said, moving his index finger along the blue paper. Lana sighed and shook her head.

"Then this is no use to us... I mean, this probably is a map of Briarcliff from years ago... Who knows how many changes they made to this place since they," she said in a defeated tone. "I really thought there'd be away."

"So, that's it, guys?" I spoke up after a few minutes of a terrible dead silence. "We're just giving up and abandoning this whole plan because we don't have the proper map? We can find the right one, you know. But we can't give up so easily--"

"I wish I had your high spirits, Hope," James interrupted me and rubbed the back of his neck with his hand.

"You can't be serious," I said in disbelief. After all, we've done. After all that Lana's done, you've given up and lost hope too soon? But not me. I just sat there, and let out a soft sigh.

"Fine, do whatever you guys want," I said, and rolled the blueprint back up. "You two continue to live in the darkness, in this Hell. I'm going to find a way out of here, with or without you guys."

Lana and James looked at me speechless until Lana spoke up. "Well then... Godspeed, Hope." She said, and I gave her a slight nod of my head in return.

"I'm in with Hope," Kit said, and I flashed him a small smile. Just as I was going to speak again, I heard a loud noise and saw bright flashing lights. The alarm. Someone or something set off the alarm! How did that even happen? No one was out of their cells except for us. I cursed to myself, and we all hid inside the room.

James quickly turned off the light switch, and we all sat there in silence. Footsteps were heard, and I knew by now, that every guard was probably checking the cells. All three of us left them a nice surprise once they'd barge into our room and realize we were gone. Hopefully, they hadn't checked ours just yet.

"Check every room you find. I'll take this one, I just know there are some crazy patients trying to escape," I heard a guard shout to a few others. My breath hitched in the back of my throat, and I became frozen when the door slowly creaked open. His footsteps were slow and heavy, as he turned on the lights and walked around the room. He let out a horrific scream when he saw Luke's dead body on the ground. I bit onto my lower lip and felt the ground... Shit. Where was the--?

I peeked out of my hiding place, and my eyes widened when I saw the blueprint lying on the ground right next to the guard's foot. He knelt down and picked it up, walking over to the door, while calling out for more guards. There goes my only chance to prove Lana and James wrong... Right smack down the drain. Two guards entered the room and gasped in horror when they spotted Luke's lifeless body.

"What-- Happened to him...?" One questioned with a shaky tone, while the other just shrugged for his answer.

"I don't know, but I found this," one guard, who I knew was Brian, said. "Out of place. That means there's is a patient, or patients out of bed, lads."

"We first need to remove the body first. We'll wheel him down to the Death Chute then we'll proceed with our search." I had to look away as the two dragged Luke's body out of the room. Eventually, the last guard left and shut the door behind him. Luckily none of them had found the three guns hidden in the room, along with us.

Well, fuck this, I thought to myself. I didn't need a map to prove to Lana and James that escape was impossible. Kit and I remained in the spare room while Lana and James managed to head back to their cells without being noticed or seen that night. Kit and I stayed up for a while, talking and processing the new plan that we created our very own selves. We'd run out of Briarcliff. We wouldn't look back. We'd just run, hand in hand.

Take Me To Church » Kit WalkerWhere stories live. Discover now