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You Have One New Voice Message


Hey Hound. I know you're probably asleep right now. It's pretty early, huh?
Sorry for calling this late. I just.....
I have a lot to say is all.
I uh, I wanted to tell you.
I really love you.
I do. It's....I haven't said it for a lot of reasons. I guess I was.....
I was scared, really. Of you not feeling the same way, of you hating me, of....
Of a lot of things really.
I'm a pussy, ha.
But uh-
I'm getting off track aren't I? You know me, always rambling.
Uh, I guess I wanted to thank you? Yeah, that's it.
I wanted to thank you for...putting up with me, I guess.
Yeah. You've...you've helped me a lot. You've saved my life, I don't think I told you. But....thank you,
For everything.
I love you.
I'm uh....gonna go now.
I rambled too much.
Haha, uh. Yeah.
I love you Hound.
Sleep well.

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