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Harry's POV

I took the parcel inside and opened it. Inside the box was a smaller glass box carefully wrapped. I opened the smaller box and inside was a small bouquet of dandelions and a note.

Dear Harry, Though I'm no longer here. May your love be clear. Whoever you love, let this message be true. The person with the second glass box also loves you. Though they may not know it yet, it's in due time. The love inside yourself can not die nor will your partners light inside. And your love will also shine. May the dandelions guide you on your way. Good luck Harry James Potter. I hope you find your love to convey.

I stood there wondering about everything. Who died and left this message? And how are the dandelions still fresh? Who loves me? I have a feeling this has to do with someone I know but is no longer here, but who? I couldn't stop and wait around wondering. I quickly apparated with my stuff to platform 9 and ¾. I didn't see anyone I knew, mostly first years and their parents. 

I shrunk my trunk and shoved it in my pocket and started walking to the train really fast before anyone recognized me. I got on the train and looked for an empty compartment towards the back. No one really sits there, mostly the first years that have no friends. I tried to put a disguising spell on my scar and glasses but I'm not really good at transfiguration. 

I pulled my hood over my head and looked out the window at the other people on the platform. I thought I briefly saw Malfoy but maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me. I hadn't slept well last night. I was too anxious to go back to Hogwarts, I stood up baking biscuits for the train ride. I'd recently become invested in baking and cooking since no one lives with me. I also grow my own food but that's beside the point. Who loves me and why? I'm not worthy of anything anymore. 

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