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I was visiting the site for my new business and then I went back home to start going through resumes for new staff members. Fallon was stood in the doorway.

"What are you doing?" Fallon asked.

"Trying to go through these resumes to find people to help me run my business." I said.

"These people have teaching qualifications." Fallon said.

"I know. They're going to need it if they're teaching people." I said.

"What exactly is your new business?" Fallon asked.

"It's a STEM Academy. Where young people and  vulnerable, at risk or disadvantaged people can come and study stem careers. But we've got partnerships with different schools, colleges and businesses to give people the best opportunities they can get." I said.

"What's the name?" Fallon asked.

"Seeing as Dad had the name Carrington trademarked I was thinking something along the lines of G-STEM Academy but I don't know." I said.

"Alright. Anyways family dinner starts soon." Fallon said. "And if you want I can help you look through resumes tomorrow. After I plan my divorce party with Liam." Fallon said.

"I'm not gonna even ask about the divorce party but I would greatly appreciate your help. Now I'm gonna go fix this mess." I said.

"Okay." Fallon said.

I went upstairs and showered and changed. I did my hair and made my way downstairs.

"These past few months have been chaotic at best, but me hosting these dinners is my way to try to reestablish normalcy

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"These past few months have been chaotic at best, but me hosting these dinners is my way to try to reestablish normalcy. I would never have done any of this if it weren't for Steven. I certainly wouldn't have invited Mother, who graced us by not showing up. So, cheers to family." Fallon said as I poured myself a drink.

"I think that was beautiful, Fallon, and that's exactly the kind of healing this family needs." A woman said.

"I'm sorry, who is she, again? Save your cheesy inspirational quotes for Instagram, and don't tag me." Fallon said.

"I wouldn't take it personally. Fallon's just rude to people." I said to the woman. Fallon slapped my arm. Culhane whispered to Fallon that he had to leave.

"Seriously? You're gonna leave me in this family-run torture chamber by myself?" Fallon asked.

"I'm offended." I said.

"Big-brother duty. Evie's got some millennial drama. I'm sorry." Culhane said as Austin walked in.

"Sorry I'm late." Austin said walking in and kissing my cheek.

"So Michael left to go deal with your sister's drama but you're here?" Fallon asked.

"Evie doesn't listen to my advice. Nor should she consider she's the younger one but graduated college already." Austin said.

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