King Eli Weiss, the current ruler of Eirlys. He was a tall man even if he wasn't very muscular. His silver hair was combed back to reveal his brown eyes and the silver bristles along his chin. My father currently sat at his desk appearing to have been writing something but stopped due to our arrival. His gaze was sharp as he looked from me to Theo.

"Marcel. Theodore. What brings you here?" he asked as he straightened his posture. I unconsciously did the same then gave Theo a side glance. He took in a deep breath before he began to speak.

"I have an urgent update to discuss with you about the murders," he said. Surprise lit my face as I tried to remain silent. My father nodded as if telling him to continue.

"The guards informed me that a man turned himself in claiming to be the killer. I spoke with him and he said so himself that he was the one involved. But..." Theo explained before pausing. He placed a hand on the back of his neck with a worried expression. I couldn't help but feel empathy towards him knowing that his choice of words could turn against him.

"But, I believe this man couldn't be behind it. His figure looks as if he hasn't eaten or had any sleep in days. His age is also a concerning factor. He did say that someone was forcing him to do it, but I highly doubt someone has," Theo finished. I stared down at the floor letting this information sink in. The situation was very disturbing.

"What have you decided to do with this man?" asked my father.

"I've decided to keep him in the cells for now. I don't believe him to be the one we are looking for, but... I can't dismiss him either." Theo reasoned. My father nodded in agreement.

"Excellent. I agree with your judgement on the situation. Thank you for informing me," His Majesty responded. The two chatted more, but their voices became part of the background. My thoughts wandered over what Theo had explained.

     Someone was controlling this man? How can that be? What could someone possibly do with a frail elderly man? Were they even doing so through normal means? Could it be... someone experiencing what I am with Erebus? Or... could it be worse?

"Speak your mind, Marcel," my father sternly said, awakening me from my thoughts. I remained quiet as I felt his gaze directed at me.

"...I fear you are taking this too lightly, Your Majesty," I replied with the same tone he used on me.

"What makes you say that?" he asked. From the corner of my eye, I saw Theo visibly look uncomfortable.

     Sorry, Theo, but, this is something I must do.

"The man spoke of someone controlling him. Shouldn't that be taken into account?" I asked. My father looked at Theo for more information. His uneasiness caused my heart to momentarily stop. This wasn't going to be an easy conversation.

"The man did speak of someone controlling him, but when I asked who... he repeated that a voice kept telling him what to do," he stated softly. I took in a deep breath.

"Can you truly believe that the man is lying? We don't know enough about the situation to take his words lightly," I commented. My father's gaze was burning with anger as he stood up from his desk.

"A frail, tired, old man is nothing but a frail, tired, old man. Someone of that standard couldn't harm let alone kill a handful of people even if he was forced to do it. Yet, you want us to believe this man, yes? Then, let's do that. Like most criminals in this kingdom, he would be executed for the crimes he has committed. Now that this man is out of the picture, what would you do then if the killings continue?" my father asked while walking to the side of his desk.

"But what if it did?" I questioned in return.

"Then the problem has reached a solution, yes? But, what if they didn't? More people begin to die with an innocent man along with them and that would be held against you." My father stood before me now, but I couldn't bring myself to look at his face. A moment of silence fell between us for I had no response to give him.

"Theodore. Leave us," he ordered without turning his gaze away from me. I watched from the corner of my eye as Theo bowed while giving me a sidelong glance before exiting the room. Once he was gone, my father let out a sigh while walking to stand by the window.

"Your statement had something to do with this morning, yes?" he asked. I remained quiet for a moment before responding with a quick agreement. He didn't budge and continued staring out into the distance then mumbled, "That man isn't like you."

My hands curled into fists at my side as I sternly replied, "How could you possibly know that?"

"My son doesn't kill anyone just because he is forced to. You are too stubborn to even listen to me. I know you left the castle this morning." Surprise lit my features as I finally looked to see my father staring at me with a stern expression with his arms crossed.

"I will let it slide this time since Theodore was with you, but you will be punished if you do it again," he stated with his tone making it very clear he was serious.

"...Yes, Your Majesty." was all I could say. A sigh escaped my father's lips once more as his feet carried him back to stand in front of me.

"I have these rules to protect you, Marcel. You may not believe me, but it is for your own good." His voice came out softer this time as his hand rested on my shoulder.

"Then why must we lie? Our people are living their lives oblivious to the true dangers that lurk around us! What befell upon me could befall on anyone! Yet we act like he doesn't exist! Hiding in these castle walls will solve nothing! Father, why - ?!"

"Enough, Marcel!" my father roared causing me to freeze. I remained quiet as I lowered my head feeling dejected. It was understandable that my father wouldn't agree with my views. To him, I was being protected so Erebus wouldn't find me and take me away. But, he didn't know I was already his pawn. A willing pawn if it meant the horrible god wouldn't harm my kingdom or my family.

"I understand that you don't agree with what I've done, but there are some things you don't quite grasp yourself. Please know that I did what I believed was best." my father reasoned. I didn't respond.

"...I understand. Good day, Your Majesty," I mumbled then shoved his hand away from my shoulder and left. There was no point in talking with him anymore. As the door shut behind me, I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding, noticing that my hands were shaking. Out of habit, I began messing with the cuff of my shirt while walking down the hall.

    If I told him the truth... what would he think of me?

"Marcel," a voice called out to me. I turned to see Theo advancing towards my direction. He was quiet once he stood in front of me, but his eyes told me everything.

"I'm fine. Nothing to worry about, it was just a friendly chat," I reassured him. Theo's expression softened as he nodded.

"Right. I won't ask for the details then," he responded while walking with me.

"You make it sound like you've never been reprimanded by your father."

"I haven't. I'm always a well-disciplined son."

"You sound more like a dog than a son."

"Does that make me a good boy, Your Highness?"

     I punched him in the side. Theo easily caught my fist before I could do damage and placed my hand back to my side with a laugh.

"Come on, Mar, you could tell me I did a good job every once in a while." he pleaded. I smirked.

"In your dreams, Captain."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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