Just Me

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It all started when I saw a spirit. I ran to my mother, screaming that the Devil was in the house, but instead of taking me seriously, she grew scared. I was livid, and she responded by tying me up to the kitchen chair, everything growing darker and darker as I screamed to be let go. The voices, they were growing louder and louder. Panic filled my body and my muscles tensed.

"Kill her, kill her, kill her!" They screamed.

I had to do what they told me, I just had to. But I didn't have the strength, the ropes bound tightly against my wrists and arms. Could they really hold me back? But soon enough I heard a knock at the door. My mother let the door open on its own and a giant bug-like creature entered its antenna squirming around. It wore a lovely nice suit paired with a top hat. It gave a small bow and opened the bag it was carrying. It pulled out a large needle and as it came closer, I screamed louder and louder. I've always hated needles, mother was trying to kill me! But I had to kill her first.

I felt the needle pierce my neck and I became dizzy, everything blurring in and out, in and out, and then it went black.


Everything was white when I awoke. I couldn't quite tell where I was but the voices were still there, and a dark shadow man in the corner as well. He held a knife and a rope, the voices told me he was there to kill me and I screamed, throwing my head around as I was not able to move my arms for any apparent reason.

I kept doing this for who knows how long. I paused at one point, looking straight up, dead bodies hanging from the ceiling, guts spilling from their belly, blood spilling from mouths. I couldn't handle this anymore. And then I heard something, footsteps to be exact. Pit pat pit pat. They grew closer and closer, and my heart thumped in my throat, my stomach dropping into the ground. Who was coming?

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