Chapter Thirty Nine

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Throughout the house giggles and little squeals could be head coming from the bathroom. Dean thought it would be a good idea to take Liddy into the steam shower with him and she was having the time of her life. This was the kind of luxury she had never experienced before and dean loved giving her this moment.

Dean was singing his head off, causing Liddy to squeak with laughter even more until they were interrupted by Sam banging on the door "you two ever coming out of there!" Dean yelled back "what?" Sam yelled through the door "dean, a police call came in on the scanner!" Dean rolled his eyes and called out "hold on!"

He got out and pulled Liddy along with him wrapping them both in towels as Sam continues to talk through the door "someone was found dead three blocks from here. Come on!" Dean whispers to Liddy "he just had to ruin our fun didn't he?" Liddy nodded with a big smile on her face before dean opened the door. Liddy giggles as she watched the steam rush out the door.

Dean smirked at Sam "this shower is awesome." Sam was annoyed and shook his head "come on!" He walked away but could hear both dean and Liddy still giggling as dean hurried to get them dressed.


By the time dean had managed to get Liddy dressed and they left the house, the sun had already started to rise. Since Liddy had been up all night, it didn't take long for her to fall asleep in her car seat. Sam looked back at her as they drove "you know it's not good to keep her up all night like that." Dean smirked "hey we don't know when the next time she'll get to experience the awesomeness of a steam show again. I wasn't gonna take that away from her."

Sam rolled his eyes and could see they were coming up to the scene. They pulled over and saw all the cops. Dean leans back to make sure liddy's blanket is on her properly so she doesn't get cold since it's raining and then him and Sam get out to find out what happened.

They see Larry and make there way up to him right as he's hanging up his phone. Larry is shocked to see them "hello. Your back early." Dean nodded "yeah. We just drove in to take another look at the neighbourhood." Sam questioned "what's going on?"

Larry sighed "you guys met Lynda bloome at the BBQ?" Sam nodded then realtor" Larry nodded "well... she passed away last night." The guys were both shocked. "What happened?" Dean asked. Larry shrugged "I'm still trying to find out. I identified the body for the police... look, I'm sorry. This isn't a good time." The guys nodded "it's ok." Larry turned to leave "excuse me."

The boys looked around trying not to stand out as dean said to Sam "you know what we have to do, right?" Sam sighed "yeah. We got to get in that house." Dean continued "see if we got a bug problem."

They found a hiding spot and waiting for the cops to start leaving before climbing the back fence and sneaking in. It wasn't that hard to get in. They climbed through a window that went straight into the crime scene. Dean looked around and could see the drawing of where her body had been "this looks like that place."

They started towards the bathroom and noticed the shower door completely smashed with a blood trail leading towards where her body had been. Dean carefully stepped in and kneeled down to get a closer look. He lifted up a towel that had been left on the ground but a bunch of dead spiders fell out of it.

He dropped the towel and looked back at Sam "spiders... from spider boy?" Sam replied his name "Matt.... maybe" but Sam wasn't fully convinced this was Matt. The looked around a little more but couldn't find anything and decided they didn't want to stick around long.

When they got back to the car Liddy was still fast asleep but the boys were hungry so they went to find something to eat.


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