Chapter Fifty Four

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It was daylight and dean had finally made it to the town. Liddy was officially awake and babbling to herself in the back seat. Dean can't help but feel bad about what happened the night before with Sam. He's glad Liddy doesn't understand what's going on most of the time, otherwise he's pretty sure she would be throwing a tantrum right about now.

He drives around, checking out the surroundings. Everything seems normal. Nothing out of the ordinary. After searching for a while, he pulls over. Pulling out his phone, he goes through the contacts until he reaches Sam's. He stares at for a few seconds but gets interrupted by Liddy before he can call.

"DDD! DDD!" Liddy yells. Dean looks back at her with a smirk "what?" She just starts giggling and trying to hide her face, making dean smile. He leans over the back of the seat and pokes her feet causing her to giggle and try to kick him away "noooooooooo" dean stops but still grabs her feet "well what did you want mini?" Liddy giggles again at her silly big brother "yum yum" she says as she starts chewing on the arm of her onesie.

Dean frowns and tries to get it out of her mouth"ok, ok we'll get some Yum yum's but you can't eat that. Out of your mouth please." But instead of listening she just kicks him away and giggles. Dean sighs and turns back to look around them, spotting the diner close by. "Alright bub let's go."

Dean turns the impala off next gets out, then goes to the back seat to wrestle Liddy out of the car, she is in a super playful mood so she's not making it easy for him. He finally has her out of her seat and holds her on his hip, deciding not to put her down since it's been raining and she's likely to try and run away from him right now.

Making his way over to the diner, there's a man siting out the front on a rocking chair. Dean walks up to him "let me guess, Scotty?" The man looks up at the sign for the diner before looking back at dean "yep." The man clearly wasn't going to say more so dean introduced himself "hi, my names John Bonham. This is Liddy."

Before he can say anymore, Scotty frowns and questions him "isn't that the drummer for led zeppelin?" Dean is pretty shocked the man knew the name which almost b;ew his cover and he stumbled over his next words "wow, good. Classic rock fan." Liddy giggles at this and shoves her head against his really hard, practically head butting him. "Oh, liddy please calm down.sorry she's like the energiser bunny today."

Scotty doesn't react at all to the pair and just gets to the point "what can I do for you John?" Dean clears his throat, shocked the man isn't at all affected by the cuteness in his arms. Usually when she's like this, people open up more to him.

He adjusts his hold on her so that he can get to his jacket pocket to pull out the missing persons posters "I was wondering if you've seen these people, by chance." Scotty takes the pages and looks at them closely. "Nope, who are they?"

Dean has to think quick for a cover story "friends of mine. They went missing about a year ago. They passed through somewhere here and I've already asked around scottsburg and Salem." Scotty still shows no real reaction and hands the pages back "sorry. We don't get many strangers around here." Dean could tell something wasn't right and that Scotty was lying.

Dean smiled at him and tried to put on his own charm "Scotty you've got a smile that lights up a room. Anybody ever tell you that?" But Scotty just looks at him unamused. Dean awkwardly looks anywhere but at Scotty. "Never mind. See you around" dean nods and walks off from him.

Liddy looks at dean and grabs hold of his face, catching deans attention "what?" She looks back at Scotty then to dean "no" dean frowns but thinks she just through the was weird "yeah bub, Scotty was weird. I mean who could possibly be immune to your adorable ness. That's just inhuman." This makes Liddy giggle and pull on deans face more as the go towards the convenient store.
Dean walks in while poking his tongue at Liddy and giggles and tries to copy but is a little uncoordinated about it. Dean stops quickly when he see's the older couple who run the store looking at them.

He clears his throat "I'm hi sorry bout that umm I was hopping you might be able to help me. I'm looking for some people."he pulls out the pages and hands them to the couple who both look but shake their heads.

"You sure they didn't stop for gas or something?" The man shakes his head again, turning to face dean and Liddy properly "nope, don't remember them. You say they were friends of yours?" Dean nods "that's right."

But then a girl from the back speaks up " did the guy have a tattoo?" The older couple look at her quickly as dean answers "yes, he did." She walks up and looks at the photos before looking up at the older guy "don't you remember? They were just married." The older guy looks back at the photos again thinking before saying "your right. The did stop for gas. Weren't here more then 10 minutes."

Dean asks "do you remember anything else?" As dean is questioning, Liddy starts poking her tongue at everyone, making the young women smile at her. Liddy got shy and threw her arms around deans neck to hide as the older man said "told them how to get to the interstate, they left town." Dean pats liddy's back and smiles at them "could you point me in that direction?" The older guy nods and smiles at Liddy "sure."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2021 ⏰

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