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silence filled the air as the family looked at the man. taehyung was thinking that jeongguk could be a serial killer. maybe they were his next crime. jeongguk on the other hand just wants to help. because it was dark out, neither of them could see faces. jeongguk thought that it would help him and the family of three right in front of him.

naomi jumped up and hugged the older male. taehyung was too slow to stop her. jeongguk was taken aback by the 5 year old. hyunseung just looked up from his dada's arms and wiggled a little bit.

"yes mister! can we stay with you? ooh do you have a pool? can i go to school? does my dada and baby brother have a place to stay?"

"naomi! i'm sorry sir. well be fine if you could give us 5 dollars that would be fine... or we don't need anything!" naomi looked at taehyung knowing that he was lying. she tapped the older males thigh and motioned for him to crouch down.

"my dada doesn't like to ask for things mister... so if you would please let us stay with you..." jeongguk thought about it. he didn't really mind as long as they weren't slobs and by the looks of it they weren't going to be an issue. he nods his head and naomi smiles widely.

"you said we needed a home right?"

"i know nai but-"

"i can't stand here and let you keep living like this. just one week. then, since i can't force you,...  i guess you can leave if you want to." taehyung was about to answer when the 1 year old crawled out of his lap over to the unknown males feet. hyunseung used the pants to help him stand up and started bouncing, as if we wanted to be picked up. jeongguk didn't know what to do, he stared at taehyung, and tae stared at him back. taehyung scooted up to gently pull the younger away but he kept a firm grip on jeongguk's pants while whining.

"you can pick him up." jeongguk immediately bent down and lifted the baby off of his feet into his arms. hyunseung laid his head onto the olders chest as he contently sucked on his thumb. it was odd for him to find comfort in anyone other than his dada and his noona.


"i- sure." nai started jumping up and down in excitement. she was so happy for her dada. he always refused other people's help, especially if it was something as drastic as a house. but this time he accepted, so she was proud. taehyung got their few sheets and blanket together under his arm and motioned that it was okay to start moving.

jeongguk, with hyunseung in his arms, started walking ahead, leading them out of the alley. naomi was fascinated by the bright lights of the city. taehyung never let her out after 10:00 and by then she was already half-asleep so she never saw much of anything anyways. the shop signs were shining bright in the dark, stale night sky.

to the average eye, they looked like a family. like they were taking in the night together. or as if they were strolling along in the city to rock their infant to sleep. regardless of what it looked like they were doing, what they felt mattered the most. it was a weird feeling for strangers. foreign to the basketball player. almost forgotten by the father of two. but it was an important thing that neither one of them would ever have to or even be able to live without.

hyunseung felt it. naomi felt it. taehyung felt it. jeongguk felt it...


how was it? also, than you guys so much for the lovely comments! (even if it's just a few😂)

not edited

(there's no question because of the last update)


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