Chapter 37 '3000 Miles'

Start from the beginning


Wesley's POV


I can't believe Laney is Kate's friend. What are the odds that would happen?! When she ran out I didn't even chase after her. I don't think she expected me to either. I wanted nothing more than to run and hold her and tell her everything would be okay, but truth be told, it wouldn't be okay. She hurt me so much, but I want her back so bad. The worst part of it all, I saw her wearing the ring on her necklace. Has she really worn it all this time? Because if she has, I want a damn straight answer as to why she ignored me for months on end, while she was probably screwing around with someone else.

"Bro, why didn't you talk to her?" Keaton asked.

"Because I couldn't. I froze dude. I wanted nothing more than to kiss her and hug her, but my body wouldn't let me."

"You need to do something! You can't just leave her here like that."

"Too late now, plus she's got a boyfriend. Didn't you hear Kate?"

"That's not the Wesley I know. If he loved something, he would chase after it, and I know he loves that girl out there. The Wesley I remember would find a way to talk to her. You deserve answers if nothing else."

"You're right, I can't just sit back and watch her slip out of my life like that. I love her so much, and I'm not leaving without talking to her. Do you think Kate will help me?"

"Of course she will Wes, just ask her."

We had to go get ready for sound check. The venue wasn't big at all, which is cool. I like the small intimate venues, even though it's amazing to play in the big arenas.

We finished soundcheck and they we starting to let the fans in. We had to go back into the dressing room. Kate was waiting in there for us.

"Hey Kate, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure, anything."

"Can you help me talk to Laney?"

"Oh Wes- I don't think that's such a great idea, I mean-"

"Please Kate, I need to. I love her so much, and I just need to make sure she's okay."

"Okay, I might have an idea, but she's not going to like me for this," she uneasily agreed. I gave her a hug before she went out to find a seat. We walked out and all the girls screamed. I waved to the audience, only making them scream more. We played a couple songs and answered a couple questions. The fans were loving it. I'm glad no one would ask about Drew and why he wanted to go solo because the whole topic made me kind've upset.

We finished the meet and greet after the show, and I went to see what Kate's plan was. She told me what to do, and it actually wasn't such a bad idea. I know Laney will like it.

"I just called her and she's picking me up soon. So you need to hurry up and go get ready. I'll come back to pick you up when I get her to leave."

"Okay," I answered. I ran off to the bus to get ready. This was going to be good.


Laney's POV


I went to pick Kate up and take her home. I felt a lot better after talking to Avery, but I can't help but feel empty. He's right in my city, and I can't even talk to him. I feel like such a bitch, and I'm sure he'd agree with that.

Kate hopped in my car and I took her back to her apartment. She was about to get out but she stopped. She looked down at her phone and started tearing up.

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