highschool love 😚

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Third person:

"Why,why him" Eddie asks himself lying on his bed. "Why did I have to fall for Grant (Narrator)" he says thinking of his crush blushing uncontrollably, just the thought of him made Eddie smile.

Eddie softly sinks into his bed sighing, slowly falling asleep, dreaming of prom with Grant.

Eddie POV:
I'm standing in the middle of the dance floor when I'm suddenly tapped on the shoulder by grant wearing a fitted tux, he holds his hand. I smile and take his hand, he pulls me in closer wrapping his arms around my waist, I star deeply into his shinning eyes.

We dance a little, then Grant stops and whispers to me "I love you, my little honey bunch~" I smile and whisper back "I love you too, my handsome Narrator~".
We both lean in ever so close, I close my eyes and we......

Third person:
Eddie is then woken up by his phone."Dammit!" He yells annoyed, "we were so close" he says with a sad tone in his voice. Eddie groaned while getting up and ready for school.

_ _ time skip_ _
Grants POV:
As I walk to the bus stop with swagger talking about football, when I notice Eddie sitting on a bench waiting for the bus, wearing a white shirt with a red and black checked jacket and black ripped jeans. He looks amazing.

I felt my cheeks heat up turning a light shade of red, Swagger noticed. "Dude stop starring at him and go ask him out!" He said, a shocked look ran down my face, "I-I don't know w-what you're talking a-about' I said nervously.

Before swagger could respond we see the bus, running so we don't miss it. when we get on the bus he whispers to me "invite him to your party tonight", I nod while looking for Eddie. I spot him near the back.

Third person:
Eddie looks up to see Grant standing there asking "Is this seat taken?" Pointing to the one next to him,"no, go ahead" Eddie says scooting over. Eddie cheeks warm up and turn a rose colour, they sit there  in silence until Grant asks "what are you doing tonight?"

Eddie's POV:
I sit there surprised, then answer " I don't know study maybe, why?", "Well I-I was wondering if y-you wanted to come to my party t -tonight?" He says nervously blushing. I'm shocked, he quickly adds "but if you're too busy..." "No, I can go" I say fast as the bus stops.

A wide grin forms on Grants face, "Great, I'll text you the address" he says standing up, "yeah, o-ok meet you there" I say walking behind him confused.
I step off the bus heading towards the library with a big wide smile glued to my face.

_ _ time skip_ _ at Grants house_ _

Third person:
Grant pours himself a drink, then hears a knock at the door. He answers to see Eddie wearing plain jeans with a your Narrator 1 mill hoodie, Grant chuckles and says "I see this this honey bunch has style".

Eddie shows a confused expression on his face and looks down and blushes "I forgot I was wearing it" he's says laughing nervously. Grant hands him a drink.

_ _ time skip_ _ 1 hr into the party_ _

Grants POV:
Eddie and I are now half drunk while playing beer pong with swagger and juicy, as I make the winning shot we both yell "YES!",we go to high five but miss.

"Hey dawg, I'll be back in a sec" Eddie says and heads up stairs,  I tell swagger "I'm Gunna go and check on him" he then winks at me and says "sure you will~", " whatever" I say not dealing with his and head up the stairs.

I find Eddie in my room sitting on the bed . "Hey Eddie,you ok?" I ask concerned, he replies "yeah, I got a head ache that's all". I stand up to leave and I feel Eddie grab my arm and say "w-wait can you s-stay please?".

Third person:
Grant turns to see Eddies head down, blushing. He sits back down and lifts Eddie's head up. Starring into his golden brown eyes, Eddie see a passionate look in Grants twinkling eyes.

They lean in close, feeling each others breath, until meet for a earthshattering kiss. Grant puts his hand around Eddie's neck to deepen the kiss.

They pull away smiling, Eddie says "I love you" with a passionate tone in his voice. Grant replies "I love you too". He gets off the bed onto one knee and says "Eddie... Will you go to prom with me?" Eddie immediately answers "yes of course!".

They both stand up hugging each other tight, slowly melting into each other's arms for one last kiss.

The End
Hope it was alright for the first story, enjoy because there is more to come soon!
Big dino out 🦕

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