Stone Heart...... (i)

Start from the beginning

Tom: (singing as he works)

Marinette: Dad, these are so awesome!

Tom: Glad you like them.

Marinette: Thank you Dad, my class will love them! You're the best!

Tom: We're the best, thanks to your amazing designs. (Marinette hugs Tom, dropping the box. he catches it on his foot and tosses it back to her)

Marinette: (giggles) Thanks. (Kiss Tom by the cheek) See you tonight!

Scene: Out on the street. Marinette tries to cross the street but a car stops her

Marinette: Uff... (Sees Wang Fu crossing the street as a car is coming) Uuuhhaawh? (Grabs Fu by his hand and takes him to the other side of the street, dropping the box in the process)

Wang Fu: Thank you, miss. Oh! What a disaster.

Marinette: (People step on the spilled macarons) Don't worry, I'm no stranger to disasters, besides, there are still a few left.

Wang Fu: (Grabs and eats one) Mmmh. Delicious!

Marinette: (School bell rings) Oh no, I'm gonna be late! Ah, have a nice day, sir! (Runs towards the school)

Wang Fu: (Looks at a strange looking box) Thank you very much, young lady.

Scene: Collège Françoise Dupont. Marinette runs to her classroom.

Caline: Nino, Why don't you have a seat in the front row this year?

Chloé: Marinette Dupain-Cheng.

Marinette: Ugh. Here we go again.

Chloé: That's my seat.

Marinette: But Chloé, this has always been my seat.

Sabrina: Not anymore! New school, new year, new seats!

Chloé: So why don't you just go and sit beside that new girl over there? (points at Alya) Listen. Adrien's arriving today, and since that's going to be his seat, this is going to be my seat. Get it?

Marinette: Who's Adrien?

Chloé: (She and Sabrina laugh) Can you believe she doesn't know who Adrien is? What rock have you been living under?

Sabrina: He's only a famous model.

Chloé: And I am his best friend. He adores me. Go on, move!

Alya: Hey! Who elected you Queen of Seats?

Chloé: Oh, Look Sabrina! We've got a little do-gooder in our class this year. What are you gonna do, super newbie? Shoot beams at me with your glasses?

Alya: Wouldn't you like to know. (walks away and grabs Marinette by the hand) Come on.

Marinette: (trips and falls, spilling all but one macaron) Sorry, sorry, sorry...

Miss Bustier: Has everyone found a seat?

Alya: Chillax, girl. No biggie.

Marinette: I so wish I can handle Chloé the way you do.

Alya: You mean the way Majestia does it. (Shows her a picture of Majestia on her phone) She says all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good people do nothing. (pointing at Chloé) Well, that girl over there is evil, and we are the good people. We can't let her get away with it.

Marinette: Well, that's easier said than done. She likes to make my life miserable.

Alya: That's cause you let her, girl! You just need more confidence!

𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗲 ;; finished [✔]Where stories live. Discover now