Part 3 Daylight

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You arrive home at around midnight "wow was I really out that late"  you wonder but that didn't matter what mattered right now was going to bed you where tired and everyone noticed so you go upstairs put on a long tee-shirt and clime into bed it only takes a few seconds before you fall asleep.

The next day with something warm curled agent  your back back "what the hell is behind me" you think so you slowly get up trying not to wake the thing up grab you're Bat and poke it.  it moves slightly and you freak out and hit it. Sunday the thing sits up and the blanket falls off of it to revel jeff "oww what the hell (y/n)"  he asks rudely "what do you think? I find some weird person sleeping in my bed what else would I do" you feel a little guilty but would never say so "now get out I need to get dressed"  "fine"  he said and walked out.

After you get dressed you head out for breakfast but on the way you see the bathroom door is open a crack with weird painful noises coming out so you sneakily looked in making sure not to be seen.  And the first thing you see is Jeff's toned skin with a red lump where you hit him then you realized you hurt him pretty badly and you suddenly lost you're appetite and when backup you're room feeling sad.

After 10 minutes of thinking you realize everyone will be on you're case and    you would be yelled at and probably kicked out and so you decided to save them the hassle you grabbed you're back pack packed clothes you're phone,  charger, and money and wrote an letter saying sorry to jeff and telling everyone else you left and hopped out the window and stated running away from you're first home that you grew up in.

After running for a while you walked for an hour till you found a old abandoned Park and sat on a swing and started crying

*back at the house just kuz*

Slendy knocked on you're door "hey (y/n)  you OK you haven't come out yet you OK?" he stood there for a minute "(y/n)"  he opens the door to the open room "did she go for a walk?" after looking around he saw the note and read it and called everyone for an emergency meeting "what's wrong slendy?" asked masky and Hoodie at the same time "d-does it-t ha-a-ave something-g to do with (y/n)"  asked Tobie who was starting to get worried.

Once everyone was seated slendy said "sorry to interrupt what you where all doing but this is about (y/n)  she gone missing she said she left for resons only jeff would get"  that's when jeff really started to worry "she also said she's not coming back"  and before slendy could say anything jeff stood up and ran out the door to look for her "slender man should we help"  ask Sally "no this is something they need to do alone" 

*back to you*

Still crying you think "can this day get any worse" then it started raining city just-t had to" hic "say it didn't i" 

Oh my that's long but whatever I wanna rap it up soon anyway thanks everyone for read this pic if garbage I am writing and who I sticking to reading this.

Stay awesome
                                                        ~WolfGamzee ☺

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