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Okay, this for her 20th birthday, if i forget to post this today , just know i meant today okay, i love you 

Y/n was a girl who was known but wasn't, she didn't want to be known by anyone else but Addison Rae, Addison was a cheerleader which was way out of her lead, but she didn't care, Addison wasn't one of those dumb cheer girls , she was smart, she just hangs with the wrong people 

y/n sat at the bleachers as Addison and the other girl cheer, she had to take pictures for the year book, by the end of the practice she had gotten 20 pictures, she looked at the pictures and headed to the door, she was half way around the corner when she was pulled into the Locker room "Addison what the-" she said, part of her was happy and other part was nervous  "y/n i seen you taking pictures" She said, folding her arms,  "i-i i-it's for the y-year b-book" y/n said, she didn't know what Addison was getting at but she was nervous, "or did you just wanna see me" she said stepping closer, " no not at all t-that's.. dumb, stupid" y/n said she couldn't think f any thing right now "okay well see ya next practice babe" Addison said as she winked and left

Y/n walked to gym with her camera like she did most days, she seen Addison by her self which means she's early "y/n come to see me again" she said , now y/n knew this was just a tease, " Addison stop playing already and say what you have to say" y/n sat slightly laughing 

Addison pulled her back into the locker room and closed the door "you wanna know" she said, before y/n could say anything Addison was already kissing her "i like, a lot" she said " well that's you had to say i like you to" y/n said and Addison laughed "i want you to be my girlfriend but if your not ready" she said "if your talking about Kio i'm way over him, and plus i think i love somebody else" she said and kissed again.

heyyy so her birthday was 2 days ago opps anyway hppy birthday girl even though im late

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