"Hey, Sokka, we're going to have breakfast at the downtown market."

Can you come with us?  You must be hungry by this time of day" She knew perfectly well the appetite that her boyfriend had.

The boy released a sigh.  "I would really like to go with you, but I promised Aang that he would bring these plans to his apartment." He said while pointing and looking for his things to get ready.

"I'll have breakfast with Katara, don't worry." Sokka was already starving by that time, there was an uncomfortable emptiness in his stomach that did not let him feel comfortable.

Warrior Kyoshi just nodded and left the place with her students, leaving only Sokka in place. The boy put his bandages on his wrist, readied his brown boots, and headed for the exit.

At that, she ran into a boy, about 18 years old, with golden eyes, wearing a dark uniform, similar to those of the Fire nation.

He seemed to be looking for someone.

"Excuse me, I came to see Instructor Sukki." She is she now she?" Said the boy somewhat agitated.
He seemed like a nice young man, sure he's coming to take Chi-blocking classes. That kind of encouraged Sokka.

"Oh, friend, I'm sorry to tell you that 5 minutes ago she went out for breakfast, but don't worry, she won't be long in coming back, she will ...

"Oh I see, I understand," he interrupted disappointed.  "Look, I'm a little busy now, I'll come back later. You could tell her that Nau came to visit her"

"Um, yeah, sure." He answered confused. "I'll give her the message, don't worry ...

"Thank you, man. I'll be back tomorrow. !!" He interrupted once more.

Sokka just answered, the boy vanished into the crowd of people that crossed the streets.  "Strange ... well."  I guess he was excited"

Once the place was closed, he went to the apartment where Katara resided.

"I just hope she has something to eat" Sokka regularly visited Katara, he knew she had a very good seasoning, remembering all those times she prepared food in the Tribe and on his travels only made him hungrier.

I'd better hurry.


His headaches were gone, the night before had served him well. Now she was much better, with more spirits.

"Is that all we'll take?" Asked one of the acolytes as he carried with him a couple of bags full of vegetables.

"Yes, I think that's all" Katara kept an eye on all the food she was carrying, verifying that nothing was going to be forgotten.

They were in the center of Republic City buying groceries and some ingredients for the breakfast they would prepare. 

She knew that Sokka would drop off some things, so she would surely stay for lunch.

Once they arrived at the apartment, she prepared to prepare breakfast together with two other acolytes.

While they were preparing to prepare some Tofu, the Master was in charge of cooking a large sea slug, typical of her culture in the South.

She knew that her brother was fascinated by these kinds of dishes.

Cooking felt strange, there was no good humor and little jokes that Aang always made.  The Avatar, used to offer to help in the kitchen, although his skills in it were not the best, Katara appreciated the effort

She was very excited, finally, after a whole month, he will return.

"Today is a month since Avatar Aang left, isn't it?"  Hei-Won, one of the acolyte primaries, asked.

Avatar "True Love"जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें