Chapter 29- I Wasn't Pining

Start from the beginning

She feigned surprise. “He has a mute button?”

We laughed together, before receiving our drinks and placing our food orders. Warm tingles climbed up my back as Thomas grinned and slipped an arm around me. Did he feel it too? If so he didn’t show it. 

His warm breath caressed my ear as he leaned in to mumble words into my ear. At first I was so distracted by his closeness, I didn’t hear what he said. After I mumbled and unintelligible “huh” and smirked and leaned in a little closer.

“Your mind somewhere else, babe?”

My face reddened.  “It’s your fault. You’re the one who wanted to spend a little extra time in the school lot sucking face.”

He chuckled in a low rumble and his fingers traced to bare skin between my shirt and the hem of my jeans. I could feel my face going an even darker shade of red. And was it suddenly getting hot in here? I squirmed in my seat.

“You know, we could ditch these guys if you want, go somewhere else.” I could hear the flirty undertone in his voice and quickly slapped his hand away.

“We are here with our friends. You can wait an hour. It won’t kill you.”

He chuckled in my ear before pulling away, “It just might, Liv. It just might.”

After a short make out session with Thomas in the school parking lot when he dropped me off, I drove home alone. I didn’t think it was a good idea that for Thomas to start coming round yet, at least until I had a chance to tell my parents what was going on.  I didn’t want to just show up with him out of nowhere. Aunt Anita was the only one who really even knew him.

I sighed at the thought. I really missed her.

Mom embraced me at the door as soon as I stepped inside and asked about my day. I told her…well most of it anyway. I wasn’t quite sure how to bring up the Thomas subject yet. I imagine all of it would come as a shock to her.  And beside’s dad wasn’t there yet. I’ll tell them about my one and only boyfriend together. Dad will love that.

“Oh,” mom said, grabbing a thick, post marked envelop off the kitchen counter and handing it to me. “This came for you today. It’s from Anita. It’s probably your birthday present.”

I furrowed my eyebrows. “But my birthday isn’t for another two weeks.”

Mom smiled. “You know Anita. She’s either really early for something or incredible late. Look at it as a blessing.”

That I will.

I took the package eagerly and started tearing it open to reveal its contents when a memory wiggled its self loose and made my hands stand still.

It was the day I found the necklace and put it on.

“You hold on to that for me until we see each other again. All I require is that you keep that necklace, our conversation, and your plans for the summer between us. Don’t tell anyone.”


“I promise.”


She smiled and seemed relieved all at the same time. “Good, then be looking for your ticket in your next birthday shipment from me next month. Everything you need will be there.” She helped me up off the floor and threw her arms around me. “I can’t wait to see you then.”


“What’s wrong?” My mom’s words pulled me from the memory.

“What?” I said quickly, as if I’d been caught.

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