Chapter 20

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Zane's POV
We must've fell asleep, because after who knows how long I was being woken up by being kicked in the chest.
I keeled over and felt Ein's head fall off my shoulder.
"What the fuck..." he rubbed his eyes with his palms.
We both looked up and saw Katelyn standing over us.
She forced us up by the back of our shirts and walked us over to Michael's desk.
"Now that you two are done..cuddling."
He gave Ein a glare and brought out a book.
It had multiple illustrations of potions and ingredients inside of it.
"This book contains the recipes of many forever potions, you're going to help me make them."

"What!? We're never going to help you make these things!"

"Keep in mind, Ro'Meave, I have everybody you love in jail cells. I can kill them all in less than a second."

I tensed up, Michael smirked and continued,
"I made sure to have every exit guarded on this ship. So don't try to escape and call the police. Even if you somehow call them, I'll just simply kill them."

This is the second time today I realized how messed up and psychotic this man is.

"Now, you will all start tomorrow. I'm going to go out and get ingredients. Don't try to escape, you will regret it."

Sylvanna's POV
I roll over and check the time on my phone,
3:57 AM...
I look over at Eric, who's sound asleep.
Should I really be doing this..?
No. I've made up my mind. I'm doing this.
I quietly got up and got dressed into a T-shirt and jeans, I grabbed my phone and snuck downstairs into the living room.
I put on my shoes and tied them, then I opened the pots and pans cupboard, where I kept my fully packed suitcase.
I left a note to Eric, though I didn't tell him where I was, I couldn't risk him stopping me.
I quietly opened the door and walked to the car, I prepared before hand and walked to where I parked my car, which was 10 houses down the street, so Eric wouldn't hear it.
I fished out my keys, unlocked and started the car, I took one last look at the house, then drove away to the airport.

Eric's POV
My alarm rung and I shut it off, I groaned and rubbed my eyes and rolled over to see Sylvanna gone.
She's probably in the kitchen...
I walked downstairs to see nobody there, I started to worry...
Then, on the stove, I saw a note taped on top of it.

Eric -
I'm sorry to do this to you, but I know something's wrong with my daughter. I can just feel it.
Please don't stress, I'll be fine, I promise.

I knew this would happen... why didn't I stop her!?
I sigh and sit on the floor, and sit my head in my lap.
"What do I do...I don't know where she is..."
Celestia then tries to remove my hands from my face with her snout, I chuckle and scratch behind her ears.
"Well...I guess someone has to be here to take care of you..."
Celestia climbs into my lap and licks my hand
"Yeah...she can take care of herself...if anything goes wrong she'll call me..."

Zane's POV
Me and Ein both sat against the wall, both staring into space, at least he was.
I couldn't stop thinking about earlier, we shared some sort of moment, I don't know what that was about but..I kinda liked it...

That shouldn't even be the first thing on my mind, Michael just told us to make forever potions, why would he trust us to make them?

My thoughts were interrupted by a sudden weight on my shoulder, I looked to my side and saw Ein resting his head on me, I think he's asleep.
I put my head on his, I shut my eyes and drifted off to sleep...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2020 ⏰

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