Ch.2 Blame the Cat.

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A/N: Well I haven't got 5 fans yet but what the hell. This chapter will be longer than the last.

After washing off my bloody wrist, I walked into my bedroom only to find the one and only Liam Payne. I quickly moved the wrist I had just cut behind my back just as Liam turned around.

"Hey Ni, are you okay?"

"Yeah, Li-Li I'm totally fine. Why do you ask?" I can't believe I just lied to Liam, he was my best friend and best friends' don't lie to each other.

"You look pale, and I mean very pale."

"I swear Li I'm fine" Just as I finished that sentence I moved my hand up to ruffle my hair.

"Niall" Now in a more concerned tone."What are those?" pointing towards the open wounds on my wrist.


"Yes Niall those."

"Oh...these were from Amber over there." Pointing into the corner of my bedroom with the cat bed.

"Oh okay Niall" He didin't sound completely convinced. But, I changed the subject quickly before Liam could ask me any thing else.

"Liam, you want to grab a-" I was cut off mid sentence by my phone ringing.

"You've got a heart as loud as lions.

So why let your voice be tamed?

Baby we're a little different,

there's no need to be ashamed.

You've got the light to fight the shadows,

so stop hiding it away."

I ran over to my bedside table and picked up my phone to see 'The Tommo' on the caller ID.

"Hey Lou! What's up?" I said trying to sound as happy as possible

"Me and Haz were wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat then head to the mall."

"Yeah! Sounds good can Liam come too?"

"Of course! Just so we don't get out of control! Haha!"

"Yeah! Aha. So where we eating at?"

"Let's just go get pickup from McDonald's and eat it on the way to the mall, yeah?"

"Sounds like a plan! What time are you coming to get us?"

"In about an hour or so."

"Okay! See you then! Bye Lou!"

"Bye Niall!" And with that the phone called ended with Liam's eyebrows raised.

"Lou and Haz will be here in an hour to pick us up"

"Where are we going?"

"We're picking up Mickey D's and eating it on the way to the mall"

"Okay! I'm going to go watch TV."

"M'kay Li. I think I'm going to hop in the shower!" As soon as I heard the door click close, I just wanted to punch something, anything. I had just lied to my best friend TWICE. I can't believe it. I should've told him the truth, but what if he judged me for it and thought I was an emo freak. I can't tell them. I can't risk losing their friendships. I have to stop this before anyone begins to notice the scars and I can't just keep blaming it on Amber. Maybe its best if I keep this to myself.

I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed the iPhone speaker and iPhone and continued on towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom I picked a song then stripped out of what little clothing I was wearing. I turned on the water and let it flow for a minute until I felt like the water was just the right temperature. I stepped into the semi-hot water, letting the water relax my muscles but also sting the new cuts that I had just made earlier that day.

Then I thought how in the hell am I supposed to hide these from the rest of the lads? I own like 3 bracelets. None of which would cover the cuts that were created earlier that day. I'll just buy some at the mall. Yeah that's a good idea. After that thought esacped my mind, I just stood there drifting off into my other thoughts while Ed Sheeran's A Team played.

'Cause we're just under the upper hand

And go mad for a couple grams

But she don't wanna go outside tonight

And in a pipe she flies to the motherland

And sells love to another man."

A/N: So guys whatta think? It's gradually getting better. I've been on writer's block this weekend. And have had family problems. Next update..probably sometime around Wednesday or Thursday. Well lovlies, I love you guys! Vote, Comment, and Fan! Stay beautiful<3 _Bri_

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