after a brief pause in his thinking process Petro asked himself that who is this levin macLevenson however as he had more important things to think about he didn't dwell on it much.

he started to make plans, he had a map of the house in his room since he was a cartophile, he analyzed every bit of the house and planed his traps.

meanwhile downstairs Petros mom was worried about him since he was still in his room.

Giuliano go check on him he is probably exhausted after a training and hearing that he is going to be engaged to someone from the high nobility.

Giuliano who was stuffing his mouth with food said.

leave him, whenever he gets hungry he'll come crawling to the table

normally I would agree with you Giuliano, he who does not respect the table shall not eat after all, but this is a different situation.

he is shocked Giuliano please check on him for your mom

mom then gave the normal guilt inducing look that moms are known for to Giuliano

ah fine

Giuliano was ready to leave the table but Cosimo stopped him by grabbing a piece of his pants.

what is it Cosimo.

lets not interrupt him, he is now trying his best to destroy this engagement somehow.

but he told me that he already had accepted his fate, and he looked pretty defeated.

please that's what he wants you to believe, after all it was me who Taught him acting, he probably leaned outside while he was admitting defeat and tried to be snarky.

how how do you know that

it is something that I would do.

Cosimo then leaned his chin on the table and then played with his chick with his right hand.

pfffff, that little rascal

so what should we do Cosimo.

oh you guys don't worry ill handle this, I have a plan of my own.

does your plan start with letting go of my pants.

oh sorry, did I touch somewhere that I shouldn't have, but I didn't feel anything probably there wasn't anything there

I don't know whether you're mocking me or you're saying that you didn't grab my thing, either way I'm angry, sadly you're the favorite child so I'm not going to beat you up, yet.

oh scary.

the day of judgment had arrived Petro was alone at home everyone had left citing different excuses but he knew deep down that they wanted to make room for the marriage representative, he had little time, he had to set up pranks at every corner of the house, he had to show himself as an uncontrollable brat to the representative, a liability to the name of a noble house or else his life will be ruined.

he left no corner unchecked, no door without a bucket of water trap, no stair without slippery surface, no cookie without some Ginger poured on it and no bear.

knock knock. someone was knocking he knew it had to be Cosimo with the representative, he slowly walked toward the door paying attention to not setoff any trap, he then opened the door.

oh hi brother Cosimo, why isn't the guy who is going to throw me into suffering with you

hey Petro who do you think I am.

brother Cosimo is Cosimo isn't he?

do you think that I'm mentally challenged

no that would be Giuliano

hmm ok lets go


we are going to harbor the representative is going to meet us there

but wait that is against traditions

you don't know how hard it was for me to convince her, oh you are also going to meet your future sweetheart

"he has me cornered here what should I do, it is time for the nuclear option I have to go to my room and burn all of my cloths, I already have a candle ready, what is nuclear anyway why did I thought of such a foreign word, I don't have time to think about that"

brother Cosimo I have to change to outside dress for that, it is better for us for me to be seen in work clothing.

true, however you wouldn't need that I have already picked the appropriate dressing for you

"this guy how much of my plan does he know about plan B I have to use that option"

Petro slowly backed away, trying to not hit the trap he had set

"I have around 150 gil I can live for a long time with this much, I will runaway and wait until situation deescalates"

oh and by the way I gave all of your money to mom for investment for your future, I heard that gold is on fire these days, you're kid you don't need that much

what but that was my money how could you

you mean the money you had siphoned away from the harbor finances

Petro tripped and hit the door he had carefully opened, a bucket full of water fell on him blinding him for a moment, Cosimo grabbed him at that opportunity and walked to the carriage

you devil how much of my plan had you known before hand

not much I only knew that you would do something so I changed our meeting place and made sure to have a backup of anything you would need

why don't you trust me brother Cosimo

I love you Petro but I would trust a random dog before I trust you


yes my lord

ah the way you appear is creepy, this little swine has filled the house with traps, make sure to take care of them

as you command my lord

Ezio vanished the same way he had come, with this taken care of Cosimo put Petro into carriage and sat on the opposite side of him.

this is not the end of it I will not trade my freedom, I will act like a troublesome child I will stop this at any cost

like that you're already not one, Petro this is just formality your marriage settlement has been sealed there is no way for you to stop it, beside who do you think is the representative

an old fart from floares family right?

no she is from Lancaster family.

why someone from Lancaster is trying to meddle in the business of the floares

since when I have a problem convincing females for anything, the only reason I changed the location was to protect her not the marriage deal besides I knew you would be sad if anything happens to her

you don't mean


I'm doomed

i was reincarnated lets teach these brats some colonialismWhere stories live. Discover now