chapter 1

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the year was 1023 EC, on a bright sunny day in the city of nonveneto where the streets were covered by water and people traversed by boats, in the house of a prestigious but poor nobles, a new member is being born.

hip hip hoo

just a little more my lady


I'm seeing baby's head


just a bit more push.

with a bit more push the baby was out, the Midwife took the baby and then comforted the mom.

is the baby alright

yes the little rascal.

why i don't hear any cry.

some baby's are like this give him some time

so its a boy

suddenly a man entered the room

I'm sorry my love I was at the harbor and, so the baby has already been delivered, give the baby to me

Francisco take him tell me that he is alright.

the Francisco took the baby from the midwife and hold him, he then looked at the clock and then he began whispering lines from the religious text.

by the name of our lord vintous, may you have life of the calm ocean, look at him he is trying to jump, oh you want to punch me little man, you'd have to wait for that.

the baby started to cry and the sound which is usually agonizing gave relief to those around him.

i name you Petro Costantino Firenze, third son of Antonio Paulo Parma, of the line of Medici.

over the time the baby become a boy, his father though not wealthy provided him with the best he could and after a time Petro started helping his father, along with his brothers they were part of Medici family, a noble house of city state nonveneto, they held a harbor and taxed ships and rented them a place to anchor, part of this money went to the high nobles of the city the rest were to be spent on the maintenance of the harbor and the small amount which remained was kept by the family.

over the time people around the boy noticed his exceptional intellect, the boy Petro as he was called, although a bit arrogant was exceptionally skilled in the ways of accounting, at the age of 12 he already helped his father in the ways of organizing, tax evasion, and finances. part of his success in accounting came from the way he calculated, instead of the formal number symbols which was used in his city, he used what he called Arabic numerals, he himself did not know where he learned these symbols, his father and brothers were also shocked but did not complained as long as it helped them. he was also quite handsome, his face almost had no undesirable feature except his thick eyebrows, he had green eyes and black hair, he was a bit short for kids his age but just as agile if not more.

at the age of thirteen his eldest brother started teaching him sword play.

Petro come at me with all you got.

Petro propelled himself at his brother and attacked his brother with his wooden sword, but his brother easily parried, each of his attacks.

you cant just throw attacks and think you can open my guard, you must have elegance and tactic.

the moment his brother finished his words, he parried one of Petro's aimless attacks and with a counterattack he sent him flying

this is just teaching me something that I will never need, can we stop it Giuliano.

i was reincarnated lets teach these brats some colonialismWhere stories live. Discover now