I wiped the sweat off my forehead as it was fucking baking.

I grabbed my water and put down my broom and leant it against the bench.

I heard chatting from a distance.

Well right behind me actually.

I turned round and it was y/n, hermoine and ron.


Every time i see that girl, it repulses me.

Which one?

Oh right...both but in particular y/n.

The frigid freak.

"So i see you lot are chatting bullshit again...And mione sweetheart, you did shit back there"

I smirked knowing i'd get an instant reaction off of mione.

"How dare you, you foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach"
She spat in anger.

"The fuck do you think you're talking to like that harry?"
Ron got up and started to get closer to harry.


Harry has officially


"Your dirty little girlfriend actually.
What you gonna do about it"

He laughed in rons face.

I quickly got in between both of them and started to calm down ron.

I pushed him softly away from harry.

"Come on ron, he's not worth it"

He was staring at harry in anger whilst mione was panicking as this could turn into an ugly fight.

Harry was still laughing.

That smug fucking prick.

I said once again.

Ron tore his eyes off of harry and then to me.

"Yeah. You're right. He really isn't"

Harry looked over to me and cocked his eyebrow.

"Wow... not worth it eh? You weren't saying that when we were together in bed before you started having a 'i'm not in the mood' phase"

He laughed and i went red.


Fuck this i'm not going to be belittled by him of all people.

"Oh honey... if you couldn't already tell... i was fed up with faking it all those nights because your 4 inch dick did nothing for me...and you wonder why 'i wAsNt iN tHE mOoD'"

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