Chapter Twenty-Two

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After the will reading, Griphook dismissed everyone but Hunter, his parents, Cassie, Draco, and Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy.

"Hunter has a few items in his vaults that he would like to give Mr. Malfoy and Miss Tonks," Griphook said, his expression faintly annoyed, "as soon as Miss Granger, Mr. Longbottom, Mr. Zabini, Miss Parkinson, Mr. Finnigan, Mr. Thomas, and Mr. Ronald Weasley get here."

"Ooh yes presents," Cassie grinned, as she approached the desk and sat on the chair next to Remus, putting her legs over the back and letting her head hang over the front. Hunter giggled.

Draco rolled his eyes at his cousin and approached as well, sitting beside Hunter.

A sweet, powerful scent washed over Hunter and he turned to Draco, blinking. Silver eyes met green, and Hunter's werewolf squealed, Mate!

Hunter was suddenly in Draco's lap, and Draco was growling, "Mate! Mine!"

"YES I SHIP IT!" Cassie cheered, making Hunter blush and nuzzle into Draco's neck. Narcissa laughed.

Sirius made a huffing noise and padded over, carefully sitting a few paces away from Remus, his gaze averted. Remus rolled his eyes and grabbed the scruff of Sirius' neck.

Sirius yelped as he was suddenly dragged over to his husband and onto his lap. "You need to eat more," Remus muttered, rubbing the space between Sirius' ears. The dog whimpered longingly, and Remus murmured something Hunter couldn't hear. Sirius let out a loud yelp of joy, causing Hunter to burst into giggles.

There was a knock on the door and a goblin poked his head in, looking annoyed. "Several of Lord Death-Merlin-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-Slytherin-Potter's friends are here, but so is Dumbledore," he said flatly. Hunter blanched, and Draco pulled him closer, nuzzling his ear.

"Stall him," Griphook ordered. "And alert the queen."

"Yes sir." The goblin disappeared.

A moment later, the door opened, and Hermione, her parents, Ron, Fred, and George entered. "Your parents?" Griphook asked the twins.

"Dad's waiting in the lobby-" said Fred.

"-and Mum is with our sister and bother," George finished. Cassie grinned.

"Did you mean 'brother?'" Draco asked, puzzled.

"Nope, we meant-"

"-bother," finished George, smirking. Hunter giggled.

Ron rolled his eyes. "Hey, Hunter. What's going on? And why is the crazy lady who attacked Snape here?"

Cassie cackled. "I'm here for your souls!"

"What are souls?" Fred and George chorused, mock confused. Hunter giggled harder, and Draco scowled into his hair.

"Hey, don't worry, little Veela-" Fred said sweetly.

"-we won't steal your sub," George promised. "Even though he's cute."

"Uwu," the twins cooed.

Remus sighed. "Putting these two in the same room as Cassandra Tonks, the Queen of Sarcasm, was not a good idea."

"Yes it was," the three mischievous imps chorused.

"It was a great idea, right, Gred?" Fred said to his brother.

"Absolutely, Forge."

Hermione rolled her eyes, too. "Hunter, why are we here?"

"Because, Gra- Hermione, he has gifts for us," Draco explained. Hermione looked startled that Draco had called her by her first name.

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