Chapter Seventeen

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Dear Hunter,

I'm glad you're staying with a wizard instead of those Muggles. Did they hurt you? Because if they did, we have a case for abuse; Father can talk to the Ministry and you can get adopted by this Uncle Moony. Then we can ki -- I mean ARREST the Muggles for child abuse.

Lady Hogwarts ordered me to take you to Gringotts for a blood test. I don't know where you're staying. Could you get him to take you?


Draco Malfoy


Dear Smol Bean,

Hi and welcome to Chile's!

On a side note, if those Muggles hurt you while you were with them, tell me their address and you will hear them screaming from there. I promise not to hurt your cousin!

Happy late birthday! I hope you enjoy your meme scrapbook!

QuEeN oF sArCaSm

Cassandra Tonks


"Name," Griphook asked boredly without looking up.

"Hi, Griphook," Hunter said excitedly.

The goblin blinked and grinned at the small boy. "Sorry, little one, I didn't see you," Griphook smirked. "We're rather swamped today, what with Black escaping."

Uncle Moony flinched behind him, and Hunter squeezed his hand.

"What will you be needing today, child?" the goblin queried.

"Can I have a blood test?" Hunter asked. "Lady Hogwarts said I needed to."

Griphook's eyes widened. "Why didn't you say so in the first place? Come with me." He jumped off the stool and led Remus and Hunter to one of the offices.

Remus pulled Hunter onto his lap (because he wasn't tall enough to see over the desk when he was sitting down) and Griphook put a piece of parchment on the desk. He then handed Hunter a needle. "Three drops of blood on the parchment, little one."

Hunter nodded and pricked his finger. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw goblin and werewolf exchange worried glances at his lack of reaction. Well, being hit over the head with a frying pan hurt more than a needle.

Three drops of blood were squeezed onto the parchment, and silver words began to appear. Then the parchment got longer and longer, growing off the desk...

Fake Birth Certificate:

Name: Hunter James Potter
Mother: Lily Potter Née Evans (deceased)
Father: James Fleamont Potter (deceased)
Godfather: Sirius Lupin-Black (imprisoned)
Godmother: Alice Longbottom Née Fortescue (compromised)
Lord to: Potter; Peverell; Gryffindor
Heir to: Lupin; Black
Creature: None
Mate: None
Other: None

Real Birth Certificate:

Name: Hunter Sirius Lupin-Black
Mother: Sirius Orion Lupin-Black Née Black (imprisoned)
Father: Remus John Lupin-Black Née Lupin (alive)
Godfather: James Fleamont Potter (deceased)
Godmother: Lily Potter Née Evans (deceased)
Lord to: Potter; Peverell; Gryffindor; Hufflepuff; Slytherin; Merlin
Heir to: Lupin; Black; Ravenclaw
Creature: Werewolf (submissive; bitten)
Mate: Unknown (attempted block, A.P.W.B.D.)
Other: Compulsions, Blocks, Horcrux, Blood Magic, Tracking Spell, Illegal Marriage Contract
Compulsions: (inactive due to Hogwarts Heir status)
     Hate Slytherins (A.P.W.B.D.)
     Hate Voldemort (A.P.W.B.D.)
     Trust Albus Dumbledore (A.P.W.B.D.)
     Trust Ginevra Weasley (A.P.W.B.D.)
     Trust Molly Weasley Née Prewett (A.P.W.B.D.)
     Fear Vernon Dursley (A.P.W.B.D.)
Blocks: (inactive due to Hogwarts Heir status)
      Magic: Dark, Merlin; 80% (A.P.W.B.D.)
      Intelligence: Merlin; 80% (A.P.W.B.D.)
      Necromancy: Master of Death; 100% (A.P.W.B.D.)
      Animagus: Black Leopard Cub; 100% (A.P.W.B.D.)
Horcrux: Accidental (T.M.R.)
Blood Magic: Protective (L.P. Née E.)
Tracking Spell (A.P.W.B.D.)
Marriage Contract: Hunter Potter w/ Ginevra Weasley (A.P.W.B.D. and M.W. Née P.)

WARNING: If Blocks, Compulsions, Horcrux, and Tracking Spell are not removed IMMEDIATELY, subject will become a Squib.

Moony choked, his eyes filling with shocked tears. Hunter gaped at the parchment, then launched into his father's lap.

"Cub," Remus sobbed, pulling him closer. "I thought you were..."

Griphook took the parchment and read it. Then he blanched. "Mr. Lupin-Black, we need to remove the blocks, compulsions, Horcrux, and tracking spell right away. Sharpmother!"

The door opened a moment later and a female goblin stood there. She looked like a goblin version of McGonagall: a mask of stern sharpness and a kind heart.

"What is it?" Sharpmother asked briskly.

"This child has blocks, compulsions, a Horcrux-" the goblin gasped "-and a tracking spell on his magic."

"Come with me, little one," Sharpmother said firmly. Hunter got off of his father's lap.

"While he's getting those removed, why don't I talk to you about your son's bank vaults?" Griphook said as Hunter left the office. "Dumbledore has been withdrawing from them illegally, since the Ministry was supposed to become his Magical Guardian after the Potters' died...."

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