I faded back and into another scene of her twirling along as she hummed a random tune. So carefree and happy. Then she seemed to trip as she fell to the ground. Instantly she was being held up in Claude's arms. "Are you alright?" I could hear him ask as she looked up at him confused.

"Y-Yeah." She seemed lost as she tried to stand up again. Which she did aided by Claude. "Odd I just felt really weak for a moment and then my legs gave out." She explains brushing her fingers through her hair. "Your mana, it seems, it's different." Claude says and she turned and looked at him before her eyes rolled back and she collapsed again. This time Claude caught her and slowly eased her to the ground. He began shaking her as eyes were closed and her face was very pale.

"Diana, Diana! Diana wake up! Diana!" Claude's yells then faded out.

Then repeated once again. She sat in the chair in dark room the moon barely illuminating it. She was in despair, it hurt to see her like that. Why does she have to be so sad? I began to turn away, walking down the hall only a couple of steps. Before pausing. He then was rushing back to her.

He grabbed onto her arms pulling her from her seat. She seemed shocked as she looked up towards him, Claude.

"I've lost."

"It feels as if I've been played by you all along."

"I'll beg if you want me to." Claude expressed as he squeezed her arms but she didn't seem to be hurting because of that.

"How.. How can you say such a thing?" She asked tears spilled from her eyes.

"Because if I don't I'll lose you completely." Claude replied.

Gritting his teeth, "Yes I'm aware this is nothing but a stupid game of emotions. But knowing that, I still end up showing all my cards like this again."

"Your Majesty.."

"Don't think about anything else. Decide this with only yourself in mind."

"Don't leave. Choose me."

"Choose me..." Claude begged as she remained silently crying.

"Instead of the child that's eating away at your life as we speak!" He yelled and it faded again.

This time her belly had grown quite a bit. But it wasn't huge but it was still quite big. She looked very tired as she watched the two magicians who both held one of her hands and magic surrounded the hands.

She looked up and excitement was evident as she noticed him. A soft smile broke out onto her face. "Your Majesty, you've come to see us." She exclaimed as the magicians let go and bowed before him. They both looked really exhausted now then they took their leave.

"You look tired." Claude commented not taking a step closer. "Yes I am tired, but I'm alright." She replied as she gently rubbed her belly.

"I heard you haven't been outside for about a week now." Claude says. His voice was cold as it was with me. Her gloomed a bit as she looked at her belly. "Ah, yeah. I'm okay though. This is normal to be really tired the first few months of pregnancy." She exclaimed.

"You belly may have grown but you've gotten thinner." Claude says. She did seem thinner in her face and arms. "Yes but I'm getting better now that we figured out that the baby just needs some mana. I'm a lot more refreshed." She says it was obvious her spirit was crushed just a little

"It's a baby of Obelian blood. Not yours. Nothing of it is yours!"

"You are suffering right now just so you can bring it out into this world and it's repaying you by killing you slowly!" Claude yelled. Making her flinch.

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