Hide and Seek

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Wow. You let one person into your life and this is how it ends. Hiding in a closet praying they don't find you. Don't get me wrong. I loved Derek but he was getting a bit crazy. I just didn't know the extent of it. At least, not until I broke up with him and the next day he rang my doorbell.

Ding Dong! I try to ignore him until he starts yelling.  "I know you can hear me! Open up, I just want to play a little!" I try to keep ignoring him but he rang the doorbell again, this time more insistently.  Ding Dong! "You  can't keep me waiting! It's already too late for you to try and run!" My eyes lock with his and the grin of insanity on his face made me recoil and fill with terror and horror. 

"I see you through the window! I can sense your horror" He pauses for a second and looks at the ground. "Although, I'd like to see it closer" The doorbell rang one last time as I take off and try to hide. The last words I heard as I sprint up the steps were "Here I come to find you! Hurry up and run! Let's play a game and have fun!" punctuated by a course of insane laughter. "Where is you've gone to?" I hear the basement door open and these words fading down into the basement. "Do you think you've won? 'cause our game of hide and seek has just begun!" His footsteps come back up the steps and head upstairs." I can hear your sharp breaths! You're not very good at hiding! Just wait, you can't hide from me.." I hear a knock at my door. "I am at your door now, I'm coming in. I don't need permission." I hear his footsteps tromping around my room.

"Where  is it you've hid? our game of hide and seek is about to end..." I hear the rustling of bedsheets as I muffle a terrified squeak.  "I'm looking underneath your bed. You're not here, Could you be inside the closet?" 

Derek  flung open the closet door to reveal me, my eyes wide open with terror and horror. "I've found you. You were hiding here, now you're it. Finally found you dear. Looks like I have won, pay the consequence. He pulls out a gun and punctuates the last words I ever heard with a gunshot.

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