Fading Dream

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I twirled and twirled
In my dream world
I twirled in my skirt
I twirled till it hurt
There was no one in my world
Who would stop me if i twirled
Not a person who would say
My passion will wither away
No one to talk about their taste 
Tell me my passion is time waste

Why don't they understand
I ain't building castles in sand
I can take care of myself
My passion is my wealth
I wanna be who i am 
Why can't i? Oh damn!
Why should i live in a facade?
Can't my real self do place trade?
I hate this world
It doesn't let me twirl

I twirled and twirled
This time it was not my world
I couldn't twirl till it hurt
But instead my heart is badly hurt
I had to bury my passion deep down
My passion, my pride, my crown
Why can't they see?
Leaving my passion is killing me!
I can't spread my wings
Nor can i dance as the mynah sings

In this world
I cannot twirl
No one to care, No one to say,
Or throw a word of comfort in my way
I am crying
I am slowly dying
This world snatched my precious dream
That one thing that made me happily beam
This world is not a place for us
If we want our dream, it will create a fuss.

There are many people out there, who want to pursue their dreams. Some may want to be dancers, or singers, or authors, or any other profession. The society doesn't approve their dream and often tags it 'Waste of time'. But every profession has it's own importance, no profession is waste of time. We have to support these people , maybe today's society won't approve them, but, we tomorrow's society shouldn't let them down. We have to take the lead in the situation and must support them.

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