Gone for Good

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There was once a girl ....

She loved being bubbly

She was cheerful

The life of the party

And then....

One day

Everything comes down

Every door got closed

Her friends left her

Her parents abandoned her

To the mercy of the wolves

She was made to work hard all day, everyday

She lost her faith in light

She lost her hope in being remembered....in being seen

She was no longer existing for any of them...

And the wolves?

They played and toyed and hurt her everyday, all day

"Oh god...kill me"

She cried

"Strike me dead"

She pleaded

But alas....it all went unheard...

She went unheard


She screamed as the wolves cut deep into her

Their fangs dripping with her blood

Oh how they loved tearing her flesh

Oh how she hoped it would all end

And it did end

The parents...the friends finally remembered her existence

But alas...she was gone

She drifted away into oblivion

She was no longer the cheerful girl

She was now nothing but an empty shell

Her light has been extinguished

Her life has been sucked away

"oh god! Give me my daughter back"

The mother cried

"I want my little princess"

The father sniffled

But alas....their voices were never heard...

Their way was never seen

Just the way she was never heard

Never seen

She died hoping to see light again

They lived knowing they will never see light again


You all can see the same poem in my book- 'short stories' too.

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