"Harry; stop acting childish." Liam had had enough; he really had. "Just admit that you like him and stop this running away shit."

"Shhhh. What are you babbling about. I don't like him." Harry quickly ran to the door and opened it up; to check that Niall wasn't listening to their conversation.

"You are such a coward." Liam rolled his eyes and went over to the window; looking over London.

"You don't know shit, Liam." Harry was angry; he put all his anger on Liam; because he didn't want to admit that he was in the wrong. So he ran; ran out of the mansion and took his car; he drove to the airport and flew to his girlfriend.

Once again, Harry Styles ran from his problems; but the biggest problem was that he didn't understand that by running away from his "problem", he made actual problems.

When Liam went into Niall's room and told him about Harry; it wasn't that Niall was surprised; not at all. But did that anger him; yes!

He found it to be so childish and irresponsible. He hated the fact that he ever thought that he might be getting feelings for that jerk. Now he was even more determinate to get this shit over.

He messaged Mr Malik and said that Harry left; but Mr Malik said that he knew; that Harry had business trip. What a load of bullshit; Niall thought to himself; but who would even believe him.

So Niall spent the month when Harry was absent as well as he could; he found new hobby in singing karaoke near London Eye; he also had Louis over quite often and he felt quilty for ever doubting his feelings for him.

He was good. Liam helped a lot; they where almost like best friends now; he really liked his girlfriend Maya; she was a sweet girl and they could gossip about Harry; about how selfish he is.

Everything was fine; except one little problem; Niall still thought about that jerk everyday. And it's normal; because he is living in his house and they have this weird situation together; but that's the problem; he didn't think about that; he thought about how good his fingers felt against his waste and how he liked the feeling of his curls tangled around his fingers.

So he asked Louis to come here often; because when he was with Louis; he thought about that beautiful nimrod a little less; still thought about him; but not so much.

"You really won't be able to come back for a whole month?" Niall said in a desperate voice while he and Louis walked through Hyde Park.

"Sorry, I need to make this deal. It could change so much for us, Niall." Louis stopped them and spun Niall into his arms. "Besides; he has been gone for a month already; I don't think he is actually coming back. You don't have to worry about it."

"I know; but if he does come back? We have to do all the assignments that Mr Malik wants us to do and I feel uncomfortable if I have to do them." Niall hugged Louis as close as he could; trying to hide his red cheeks from him.

"I think that I will have to have a talk with him. This is ridiculous." With slow circles on Niall's back; Louis soothed him; and Niall finally was forgetting that he ever felt something for the other lad.

"Let's go back; I want to make love to you before I leave!" Louis chuckled as both boys started to ran towards the underground; despite the hard time they where in; they never have been as happy as they are now.

Niall was happy with Louis; while Harry was miserable with Sierra; his plan had backfired and him leaving only made him miss Niall more and feel things that he never wanted to feel.

"Yes, Sierra. I will be home soon. I just have work to do. I was gone for a month." Harry griped the steering wheel while he talked with his girlfriend who was slowly annoying him; he knew that she wasn't doing anything wrong; but he was in a bad place with his feelings towards her; more like there were no feelings at all.

"I-I love you too." It's not like he didn't love here; because you can't stop loving someone so fast; but his infatuation with Niall was growing even stronger and stronger while he was away; he liked the younger lad and he couldn't fight it anymore; and he was well aware that he just lost a month of them being together and possibly growing closer; he ruined it all.

Harry's heart was racing like crazy when he arrived at the mansion; it was pretty late already; everything looked beautiful; the changing leaves of trees; red and yellow; all the lanterns illuminating them in a pretty glow.

There were no lights on; Niall was either sleeping or out; that actually made Harry happy; because he had some time to think; what he would say to him; should he just tell him how he feels? They have had moments; they definitely were moments, right?

But what if it was all in Harry's head? What if he actually hates Harry? And that stupid fiancé of his. Why does everything has to be so complicated?

He walked inside and didn't hear anything; so he slowly went upstairs; he just wanted to check on Niall; but when he came close to his doors; his heart broke.

Because what can be worse than hearing the man that you are falling in love with; being fucked by the man that he loves.

Harry's heart shattered into million of pieces and with all of his anger he did something that he shouldn't; he really haven't done that.


Hello, my little love's 💕

Sorry for the cliffhanger; or not.

I just needed for Niall to understand that Harry was just a fluke. I am sorry if this throwback is annoying.

But hey, I love to stir up some drama; and oh boy; there is so much more coming.

Lots of Love - M🥀

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