Chapter 2

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Hostages. A word that cut like a knife. Zedlin and I never thought that we'd ever end up in a situation like this. It's something we never even fathomed. Not because of our pride, or honor, but because of the one thing the Molnija are good at. The one thing that they are known for. Torture. After they apprehended us, we were blindfolded. We were thrown into what felt like the back a van or a really big trunk. We drove for what felt like hours, then we finally stopped with a jolt that sent us propelling forward with force. We were yanked out of the vehicle and pushed through a steel door. I heard several heavy locks, and then our blindfolds were removed. The room was contained in was pure concrete and the air was stale. There was no decoration or windows. Not even a simple chair was present. I was bound by my ankles and wrists not able to move much, but the only thing I could think about was Zedlin. Was he okay? Is he in this building? And the worst thought creeps out from where I have been hiding it, Is he being tortured? I was about to try to break free of my chains when a man walks in. He was a tall man with pony-tailed hair, brown as chocolate, which went down to the middle of his back. The way he was built made it easy to assume that he worked out daily but didn't overdo it. The man looked young, maybe about twenty-five or so. He was holding a long rectangular box made out of what looked like silver. Walking over to me, with a wicked smile on his face, he opened the box to reveal a needle with purple liquid inside.

“What’s that?" I questioned.

“Just a little something to help you sleep" He said as his smile turned into a devilish laugh.

I tried to struggle out of his grip when he grabbed me, but he was far too strong and overpowered me. I felt the cold metal of the needle pierce my skin with a sharp pinch. Soon my eyes felt heavier as if a weight bag was placed upon them. I tried to fight the extreme drowsiness but soon I felt my eyes close and I fell asleep.

* * *

When I woke I was chained to a metal chair, cold as ice, in a small, dark room which resembled the inside of a metal vault. In the room was a single lamp that dimly lit it, a few cameras in the corners of the walls, and a circular speaker on the ceiling. 

 "Hello?" I yelled "where am I? Where is my friend?" I waited in that room for an hour it seemed before a familiar voice was heard over the intercom filling the room with sound.

"You are being taken by the Molnija," The voice boomed “I have your friend and you will both be put through torture and sentenced to death for the crimes you have committed against us!" I felt a grimace come over my face at the knowledge of what is to come.

 "We have done nothing to you!" I screamed, hoping the person the voice belonged to would buy it "You hold no proof to say we have done anything. You don't even know who we are!" At that, the same man who administered the needle came into the room.

“On the contrary," he said “I know exactly who you are."

                                                                   Two more Molnija came into the room and held my arms while the man reapplied the blindfold over my eyes. They led me out of the room and after a while we ended up outside. The smell of nature was comforting and a lot better than the chemical smell that the room had. I was thrown back into a truck and my hands were bound to something above my head. Outside I could hear muffled voices speaking.

 "Why do we have to keep moving them around?" a raspy voice asked.

 ”because we can't let them know where we are or where we are going" a deeper voice said

"Where are we going?"

“Do you not pay attention?" the second voice said seeming annoyed "We are headed to the 43 compound for debriefing!"

The first voice gasped, “We’re getting debriefed?"

 "No fool, Ugh, just get in the van!”

The 43 compound is where all of the important cases are handled, anything worse was sent straight to Raist. We are going to the place where not only debriefing took place, but mind erasing and torture also. A bit into the drive, I started to notice another sound in the back of the van with me. A noise that anyone could easily place as breathing. The breathing was done in a distinct pattern. One that I could only identify with Zedlin.

"Zedlin" I whispered as loud as I could without the men in the front hearing me.

"Zedlin, is that you?" 

"Yeah" he replied drowsily.

 "Why didn't you say anything when you realized that it was me?"

"I was unconscious; they shot some purple liquid into my arm"

"Did you hear where we are heading?"

"No, where?"

"The 43 compound"


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