Chapter 12

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Zedlin. My best mate that was brainwashed to kill. He was standing there in front of us and I sort of froze.

I didn't know how to react. I knew that if he tried to fight me I wouldn't be able to fight back. I'd let him kill me before I tried to lay a non-teasing hand on him. From my peripheral I saw Malikhi turn his head to look at me in question on what to do. I gave him a small shrug in response.

"Should we fight?" He whispered to me.

"No."I whispered immediately as my face hardened. I still wasn't sure what to do.

"Calm down, you both look like you've got a stick up your arse!"Zedlin chuckled, catching me off guard.

What the actual hell? The supposedly brainwashed, heartless, killing machine, Zedlin just said that? The man who once started trying to kill me just told me to calm down like I wasn't expecting him to try and kill me again? Like I wasn't expecting him to trap me and drag my arse into a holding chamber in the basement to await my torture?

I look at Malikhi and his face must have mirrored my own because I could read everything I was just thinking off of him.

"Okay seriously, stop. At first it was funny but now it's a bit annoying. I get it you're shocked. Explanation? Well, I'm not brainwashed. But Z,how are you not brainwashed? Last time we saw you you were? Yes but also no. I was brainwashed yes but I'm not now. How did you get out of that, Zedlin? Good question! Well I have this amazing best friend brother called R and he figuratively slapped the sense back into me.Remember that time I almost killed you? Of course you do. Well, You seemed to override the brainwashing they did. When you started pleading with me to remember you, some part of me did. I know you realized, R. I know you saw the recognition on my face. But that doesn't explain how you ended up here! I realize and I'm getting there, be patient. Right, so after that, I was able to start using my own brain again therefore, I notice and remembered you telling me that you found Malikhi. That Information, I used to my advantage. I knew that after all this you wouldn't just give up. But how were you so sure, Zed? See, I know you, R, better than I know myself so I know you care as much about me as I do about you. That being said, I knew you would want to avenge what they did to me. It would push you harder. When you escaped I knew you would be coming back sometime soon. I remember the things we planned for this mission, What we needed. I remembered that one of the things we needed was a map.Seeing as you found Malikhi, I knew he would help you. But how could you possibly know that I'd help, Zedlin? I was on the bad side,remember? Yes, however, I also know you, Khi Khi, just as well as I know R. Although it's been years since we've all been together, you don't change. You've always been one to stick to those you care about so I knew you would want to help us regardless of what your father might think or what would happen if he found out. You were always wanting to do the right thing so I assumed as much for now. Back to the point. You were going to help R get back in here and take the map. Obviously, there was no way for me to know when you were bound to come back. Luckily for me, I saw when you lads came in. You weren't as sneaky as you thought, be careful. So, I decided to wait out here until you came back out. I'm a genius, I know. Now that we're all caught up, I suggest R and I leave because that meeting in the conference room is just about ending. So, I guess we'll be seeing you later, Khi. Good luck with a reason as to why you weren't on your patrol floor!"

I was stunned. Why did I not think further on the fact that I did indeed see the recognition. I didn't have too much time to dwell,however, because Z started dragging me further outside.


Back at the cave that I've been staying in, Zedlin and I sat across from each other. The walk back there was silent. I couldn't grasp the concept of what just happened. I kept going over everything that has happened and eventually got over the initial shock of everything.Zedlin is smarter than a lot of people give him credit for. I figure it's time for me to get over everything. Moving forward is more important at this point anyway.

Needing a bit of a break to calm the both of us down a bit. I pull out some paper and a writing pen from out of the caves compartment. I get comfortable along the cave wall and start to write a letter to send back to Rosalinda.

My dearest Rosa,

Zedlin and I are well. We are advancing in our plans and I am anticipating the moment that I will be able to see you again. You and our son are my biggest rock, it helps to know that the guarders have been treating you well. I'm glad to hear that our boy is walking already,he must be growing so fast. I can not wait till the time comes that we meet.

By the way things are going, we might be able to end this war withing a few months. Zedlin and I ran into an old friend ours from when we were younger. His family moved away just a few years before I met you. I'm sure I've mentioned him one time or another, he is called Malikhi. He is helping us with our mission and is a great asset.

Write back when you can, My love. I wish you all safety and your mother a quick recovery. I want you to know that I love the lot of you, never forget that. Zedlin sends his love as well.


Zedlin looks up at me as I fold the letter and place into the breast pocket of my shirt.

"What's that then?" He asks, leaning against a wall.

"Letter to Rosa. You should write one as well, to your family. I will send it a long with mine."

"Thank you. I will do just that."

After Zedlin writes his letter and we both have a bit of food in our stomachs, we walk back over to the compound in hopes that Malikhi was not caught. Upon arrival, luck is on our side because Khi is outside of the door on patrol. We call him over.

"What the hell are you both doing here? Are you trying to get yourselves killed?" Malikhi hisses at us.

"No,we wanted to give you a means of communication actually. After this we are heading to the other compound on the map that is closer to Raist." Malikhi was at attention facing away from us as we crouched, not moving from our spot in the bushes. We could not risk getting caught, not when we're so close to the end.

"Well thank you," We hand him a communicator, the smallest one we have."Please be safe they've got me on lookout for the both of you because they suspect you took Zedlin. They don't know that he is no longer brainwashed and seeing as he isn't here It is quite unsettling for them. Let me know when you arrive at the new location and if you need anything."

"Thank you. You be safe too."

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