Chapter 1

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As we were hiking through the mountains, Zedlin and I stumbled upon a cave etched into the side of one.

“This looks like a good place to set up shop” Zedlin said setting his few things down.

 “I agree,” I said looking at the sunset “it wouldn't be safe to continue in the dark”.

 At night the Molnija are on high alert near these mountains. We travel with little things that are necessary. A knife, a coat, a communicator, and a canteen to fill with water when we find some, are the only things we bring. Before we got too comfortable, we started checking the cave for loose rocks, animals, and other things that could get us caught or ruin this cave for us to stay in for the night.

 “I’m going to gather some firewood” Zedlin says getting up to leave the shallow cave.

“No,” I warn him “They would see a fire up here from the ground, too risky”

He glares at me “How am I supposed to stay warm then?”

I walk over to our things, pick up his loose coat, and throw it at him. “What did you think this was for?”

I grab my coat and put it on. “Don't be an ass!” Zedlin growls

“Then don't be an infant!” I throw back at him.

“Look, this isn't the time to be fighting, let's just get settled and sleep. We have to leave early in the morning”.

 As I turned around, I heard voices from outside the cave, and by the look in his eyes, I knew Zedlin heard them too. In a flash Zedlin and I were out of the cave, running down the mountain in the shadows trying to escape. Getting captured was not a plan for us at the moment. Our bodies are worn from the long day so it took all of my strength just to move. As we ran I felt every muscle straining and quivering with every motion, but there was no way in hell that I was going to let my body quit. We ran swiftly through the silent night dodging trees and small ditches in the ground. Eventually we came upon a secluded area in which we could rest for the remainder of the night. Breathing heavily, Zedlin and I passed out on our coats on the hard, cold forest floor.

We woke the next morning to the light of the rising sun. With our things together we were off to the next task in the long mission we had planned in the beginning. There was a routine we followed, one we had to follow in order to do what we were here to do. Wake up early, get to our destination, gather information on Molnija plans and weaknesses we could use to our advantage, get out without being seen, if seen and surrounded; fight, then find a place far from our previous task to spend the night and do it all again the next day. Except there are different locations every day, different people to avoid or fight, and if push comes to shove then maybe even kill.

Our goal destination is Raist, the biggest headquarters of the Molnija, our final destination. Armed on every side and level, Raist is where it all ends, where we get our freedom back. It’s on the other side of our nation and it will take a long time to get there since we are on foot. So, for today our destination is MH561, the second largest headquarters of Molnija. Although it's highly guarded, the amount of security doesn't compare to the amount at Raist so this mission is like training. It takes us a few hours to get there and I can already tell it's going to be difficult. Zedlin and I have been through this way too many times to screw this up. After Zedlin places the emergency triggers in the security systems, we go inside separately. He takes the first floor and distracts while I sneak upstairs and start looking for the room where they keep their files, avoiding security cameras and everyone there. After about the fifth floor I checked, I finally found the room. I went through all of the security check procedures and there didn't seem to be any alarms. I walked in and did the same, still none. It seemed like this was all way too easy. I think I spoke too soon because before I knew it, I heard series of heavy footsteps marching quickly down the hall. I had to get out and I needed to get Zedlin. I searched all I could but there was no place I could hide. All that was left to do was fight. I set off the emergency triggers and stayed in the room and awaited the storm that was approaching. Soon the door busted open and there in front of me were about ten Molnija guards, all armed, so I leaped into battle. It was a tough fight. I struck when someone left them self open and ducked when I needed to, this took a lot of stamina, which is one of the things Zedlin and I train for. I was about to render a guard unconscious, when I heard a loud crash. I spun around and saw Zedlin being slammed into a wall. I acted as fast as I could in order to get over to him, but I wasn't fast enough. They captured him and were gaining on me. By then there were too many of them to fend off, and I became captured too.

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