Timeskip back to the lounge

Mr. Sitri: Who the hell does that to their own child!!

Sona: Whoever they are, they deserve death!

Ms. Sitri: No child should have to go through that!

Mr. Sitri: Then why don't we speak to them when they wake up.

Maid: Excuse but one of the siblings has awoken.

Mr. Sitri: Thank you

We make our way to their room

Sasuke: Who are you?

Mr. Sitri: Hello my name Neo Sitri.

Ms. Sitri: Hello it a pleasure to meet you my name is Natasha Sitri *bow*

Sasuke: What happened?

Serafall: You fell unconscious so I brought you her to my house and one of our maid nursed your both.

Sasuke: Thank you, how is my sister doing by the way.

Sona: She is doing quite alright. My name is Sona Sitri.

Sasuke: *smiles* I'm glad

Serafall: You really do care about her don't you?

Sasuke: Yes, her and my uncle are all the family I have left.

Mr. Sitri: What happened to your parents.

Sasuke: Our parents were killed and we were adopted by another family who didnt care about us. But only abused us. I took the pain for the sake of my sister cause I didnt want her to suffer.

Ms Sitri: Hehe, your sister is very luck to have a big brother like you.

Mr. Sitri: Sasuke.

Sasuke: Yes sir?

Mr Sitri: Would you and your sister like to be part of our family? We would treat you with love and care and we won't neglect any of you.

Sasuke: Hmm, sure why not.

Mr. Sitri: Great. Oh yes you said you had a uncle what is his name?

Sasuke: Madara Uchiha

Sasuke: Madara Uchiha

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Sasuke: Huh?

Sona: Sasuke, your uncle is one of the scariest being known in the underworld. My father told me how your uncle single handedly took on both the fallen Angel's, Angel's and devil and came out unscathed.

Sasuke: Hehe, yeah he told me about that he actually our role model.

Mr. Sitri: Tell me do you have his address or phone number?

Sasuke: Here

Hand over a piece of paper with a telephone number

Mr. Sitri: Thank you now get some rest. We will talk later.

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