The Vanishing glass

Start from the beginning

~It had a flying motorcycle in it, as well as a boy with flaming red hair and the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen.~

Bill and Dorea both flushed at the catcalls and wolf whistles they got at the mention.

~She had a funny feeling she'd had the same dream before.~

"It was a result of the trauma of watching your parents die, my dear." Madam Pomfrey stated. "Your mind, having been through such trauma at a young age, went to find the first comforting memory it could. Obviously the memory of flying with mister Weasley was the first one it found."

Madam Pomfrey was oblivious to how embarrassed she was actually making the pair.

~ her aunt was back outside the door. "Are you up yet." She demanded.~

"Give her time!" Said Cat, who had recovered from her laughing fit.

~ "nearly," said Dorea.
"Well, get a move on, I want you to look after the bacon and don't you dare let it burn, I want everything perfect on duddy's birthday." Dorea groaned.~

"THEY. MADE. YOU. COOK?" Hermione spat, hissing like an angered cat. Dorea slowly tried to back away or at least hide behind her own mother.

~ "what did you say." Her aunt snapped through the door.~

"She didn't say anything." Ginny hissed at the horse-like woman. Petunia stubbornly ignored everyone except her husband, son and sister in law.

~ "Nothing, nothing..." Dudley's birthday - how could she have forgotten.~

"Quite simple, sweetie, you didn't want to remember it." Bill said in a condescending voice. Dorea scowled at him.

"This is the 10 year old me talking!" She insisted. Bill shrugged, grinning at having gotten under her skin.

~Dorea got slowly out of bed and started looking for socks. She found a pair under her bed and after pulling a spider ~

Ron let out a startled Yelp at the mention of the creature and the Twins looked at their laps.

~ off one of them, put them on.~

"Ugh, how could you do that?" Ron asked shuddered. Dorea shrugged.

"My feet were cold." She said simply, knowing what was coming up. She could only pray that no one overreacted...

~Dorea was used to spiders, because the cupboard under the stairs was full of them,~

"Why would it mention a cupboard?" Amelia Bones muttered out loud, staring down the Dursleys.

~and that was where she slept.~

The room went deathly silent as everyone stared at the book. Michaela's face had gone white with rage, her fingernails digging deeply into the covers. Eventually Bill stuck his finger in his ear, cleaned it out, then looked at Michaela.

"I'm sorry, I think I heard you wrong. Did you just say... Dorea slept in a cupboard under the stairs?" He said, all signs of happiness gone. His voice was flat, icy and deadly. Michaela shot him a glare, her eyes glowing a deep forest green.

"No, I read what it says. They put her," she placed the book down so she wouldn't damage it in her rage. "IN A BLOODY EFFING CUPBOARD UNDER THE EFFING STAIRS!" she screeched. Her skin stared to ripple with power, her ears growing longer and pointed. The Dursleys all gulp at the realisation that they had just pissed off people that weren't exactly human, witches and wizard and that they were greatly outnumbered. Petunia and Vernon took one glance at lily and' sadistic grins in order for them to realise that they might not get out of this castle alive. Dorea didn't focus on many of the other, instead she was focused on the misfit gang.

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