Chapter 4 keeper of keys

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The Great Hall doors swung open to reveal Fleur Delacour and Victor Krum. Hermione rocketed out of her seat to greet the Bulgarian Quidditch player, while Fleur had her eyes narrowed on Dorea, who was still in Bill's lap. Harumphing, she held her head up as she moved daintily to the end of the sofa to sit. Victor, however, chose to sit between Sierra and Hermione. He smiled at Dorea and Ron, before turning to Hermione.

"Hermione, vould you mind telling me vhat I missed?" he then noticed the maze in the middle of the circle. "... And as to vhy your kneazle is chasing three rats?" he added, a faint smile of amusement forming as he watched Crookshanks pounce on the Petunia-rat. Dorea smirked.

"Oh, those are my relatives that he's chasing. Professor Dumbledore transformed them into rats over... Something, I really don't know what - so Dad made the maze, Hermione let Crookshanks loose, and I brought them over here." she said happily, a rather sadist grin crossing her face. Fleur snorted, glaring at the girl.

"Oh, and why would 'ou feel ze need to torture zem like zis?" she asked. To her shock, Bill was the one who sent her a glare and answered.

"Why other reason should she feel the need to torture them other than that they tortured her for as long as she's lived with them?" he growled, holding Dorea tightly. Fleur's jaw dropped at the action and how he spoke to her - in their tutoring sessions he never acted that way. He was always polite and kind, but once that - that girl was thrown into the equation he was so cold. Fleur glared at Dorea, who didn't seem to even notice. Fleur had never liked the ravenette. She would never admit it, but she felt threatened by her. Gabrielle absolutely adored her, her mother and father respected her, the ogther students at Beauxbatons had flet as though she should be pitied for being forced into the Tournament, and now Bill favoured her. She didn't understand it - she was half Veela! She was much better than some silly little girl! Fleur's temper worsened when she saw Bill and Dorea smile at each other, and she almost flew into a rage when she witnessed Dorea nuzzle her head into her Bill's chest. That little whore was stealing her Mate! And he would be her Mate, even if she had to use potions to make him her first! After that the Veela magic would work its way into his system, making him absolutely and completely hers - heart, mind, and body. The only way for the Veela magic to reverse was for ihm to sleep with his Soulmate, which every human or half human has.

Victor, noticing Fleur about to fly into a tantrum, decided to change the subject.

"Ah, vell, vhat did ve miss?" he asked Dorea and Bill. Dorea was the one to answer this time.

"Well, we were all summoned here to read books about my life," Fleur scowled at the thought. Why should she have to hear about that whore's life? "When three people came and Summoned my parents, the Prewett twins, and Cedric from the dead to read with us." Victor and Fleur's jaws dropped. Summoning the dead? Were these people Necromancers? "We found out that I was left on my relatives' doorstep, that Snape intentionally kept my family Grimoire from me - so we now have a Blood Feud going on - and I became Lady Potter. Now they just found out my bedroom for the first ten years of my life, that my relatives hate magic, that I'm a Parselmouth, and that my relatives decided that a run down hut on a rock in the middle of the sea was a good place to hide from wizards. Now we're about to see what happens next." she said, getting whacked over the head by Charlie.

"You already know what happens, chici." he said. Dorea pouted and stuck out her tongue, only for Bill to grab it.

"You need to mature, sweety." he said, tugging on the wet, pink flesh once and let her take it back int her mouth. Dorea's face contorted in disgust.

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