Break from reading

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After dinner, all the students went to their dorms while the guests stayed behind to talk to Dumbledore. Amelia was glaring icily at the Dursleys, she couldn't through Vernon in Azkaban now because he had been Branded. The only question she really had about that was as to why only Vernon was Branded, why not the rest of the Dursleys? How come Magic - it was really strange thinking of Magic as a sentient being, now - only chose to Brand Vernon? And did Dorea really understand what it meant for Vernon Dursley to be Branded? Judging by how she worded the Branding, the only part of the Slave Contract that was really there was that half of the Dursley's money belongs to her, but did she realize exactly what she could make Vernon do? Branding him meant she had complete control over him, further control than the Imperius. She could make him drown himself, boil his head, murder his wife and eat her, and he would know what he was doing, why he was doing it, and be against doing it, but he wouldn't be able to resist doing it.

Lily and James were sitting around, waiting to see why Dumbledore hadn't completely followed through with the duties that came along with the position of Magical Guardian. This included ensuring the child was safe, happy, and healthy, all three of which Dorea wasn't when she was at the Dursleys. James was determined to demand answers, Dumbledore's traditional "For the Greater Good" wouldn't pass with him anymore. His daughter, his princess, was abused, and someone was going to pay for it.

Lily, on the other hand, also wanted to have a discussion with Snape about how childish he was being towards Dorea. Hell, since he was probably a professor here, he must've been messing around with Dorea's marks in his class, too! Lily only wished she knew which class he taught, it was a toss up between Potions(if he did teach Potions, she was going to beat him over the head with those pewter cauldrons that he has his students buy) and Defense Against the Dark Arts. McGonagall taught Transfiguration, which she knew Dorea would be graded fairly in, Flitwick taught Charms, which Dorea could easily get extra help in, Sprout(who had been a seventh year known for her Herbology skills when she and the Marauders were only first years) was probably teaching Herbology, Binns was still teaching History of Magic, Babbling was teaching Ancient Runes, Vector was teaching Arithmancy, but those were the only professors that Lily knew. She had never taken Divination, but it was a good guess that the gypsey look-alike was that professor, and she felt no need to take Muggle Studies, being a muggleborn. It was obvious that Dorea had a different Astrology professor than she and James had, so the only professors that she was unsure of was DADA, Potions, Astology, and Muggle Studies. In short, toad, gypsy Snape, and the redheaded owl-eyed professor. Lily wanted to see Dorea's past grades, so she could judge exactly how well her daughter was doing in school. She might have been at the top of her muggle classes, but that didn't mean that her attitude towards her studies as a child carried over to Hogwarts.

Petunia was warily watching her undead younger sister. She had always felt threatened by Lily, seeing as how she was prettier, smarter, more popular, and now more rich than her older sister. Now, her husband was that freak of her niece's slave, meaning that her spending money was cut, and Lily would most definitely seek revenge for how she had treated to girl for the past 14 years. And yet, after all that, Dorea was still willing to protect Dudley during a Dementor attack... Petunia looked down at her lap, completely ashamed of herself. Dorea was 10 times the person that she was, and by the looks of it, Dudley would become a greater man than his father ever could be.

Vernon and Marge were waiting angrily, determined to get that stupid mark on his back taken off. They had no idea what this 'branding' meant, they only knew that when someone or something it branded in the mugge(normal) world, then it's traditionally branded to show that it belongs to someone.

Dudley was looking back and forth anxiously, he wanted to get away from his father and aunt as soon as possible. Both of them were purple in the face, with identical veins popping in their foreheads and expressions that suggested murder on their faces. He couldn't help but feel nervous, this was the first time that he might be subjected to their anger in his life. He couldn't help but wonder how Dorea managed all those years, but he figured that her sarcasm and cheek were probably developed because of this. He honestly was beginning to regret how he had treated Dorea for her entire childhood, after seeing how she felt from her point of view when they were only 10 and 11 years old was a real eye-opener for him. He finally understood that she had the mentality that she was a worthless freak beaten into her, and that she now had people who loved and cared for her. Seeing that pierced man cry when he found out that his father and mother had actually hit her had hurt him inside, he felt like he should have said something back then in order to stop it from happening. He was starting to wonder, was this how all the other children in the primary school felt when they watched Dudley and his gang chase after Dorea day after day so they could beat her up? If it was, he finally was beginning to understand why no one wanted to be his friend to actually be his friend when he was a kid.

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