chapter 10 halloween

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Sierra woke up the next morning, groaned, went to roll over and fell off her bed. Grumbling, she sat up and glared at her blankets, which were in a giant tangle around her feet. Just her luck, she wouldn't be able to move an inch without tripping unless she managed to free her legs. Sighing, she got right on the job, grumbling about stupid sheets and unpredictable sleeping patterns. She almost had her legs free when someone knocked on the bedroom door. Knowing that Cat and Michaela were already downstairs and eating breakfast, Sierra popped her head over the bed.

"Come in!" she called out. The door opened to reveal Madam Delacour standing there. Sierra smiled. "Oh good, while we're talking you can help me finish untangling my legs." she pointed to her feet. Madame Delacour chuckled and went to go help Sierra out of her self-made trap.

"'Ou are tryeeng to 'elp Dame Potter and Monsieur Weasley get togezer, non?" she asked, focusing on the knot of blankets around Sierra's feet. Sierra blinked.

"Yeah, my friends and I are, but I think Dorea and Bill are getting closer to that stage just fine on their own." Sierra said. Madam Delacour smiled and chuckled before looking up at Sierra.

"Ma Fleur ees tryeeng to make Monsieur Weasley her Mate, mon cherie." Madam Delacour said, a slightly sad tone to her voice. Sierra looked at her, confused. "Every man zat Fleur has met zat ees attractive, kind, and polite she 'as attempted to Mate. Monsieur Weasley ees not ze first man she has chased after." she sighed, looking at at Sierra's now understanding eyes. Madam Delacour could feel it too. "Ze love between Monsieur Weasley and Dame Potter ees so pure, so powerful, zat I know zat whatever Fleur tries weell not work." Sierra's jaw dropped. Did Mdam Delacour mean that -?

"Are you telling me that they're...?" Sierra trailed off, knowing that Madam Delacour would understand what she meant. The half French-Veela looked up from the now untangled bedsheets and nodded.

"Zat ees why I am telling 'ou, do not let ma Fleur, ma fille, succeed." the motherly half-Veela said, planting a kiss on Sierra's forehead. "Take care, and remember zat ze bond between zose two weell not be broken by ma Fleur's tryeengs." With that, the woman stood, turned on her heel, and left Sierra on the floor with plenty to think about, and plenty more to wonder about.


Bill was sitting in the circle, in between Lily and James like they had requested him to sit, eating his breakfast of a few pancakes, some sausage, and some scrambled eggs, and talking to James about how he and Lily had removed the blocks on Dorea, when the Great Hall doors opened and Dorea walked in. Heads turned and jaws dropped as they saw the girl walk towards the circle. Today, Dorea was wearing a crimson, asymmetrical sleeveless shirt that appeared to be made of silk, a little black skirt that was folded slightly, black kitten heel boots that reached her knees, skin coloured nylons, and her hair was straightened, her bangs almost covering her right eye and flipping out a little at the ends. She was wearing bare minimum makeup, consisting of eyeliner, mascara, and a touch of concealer to hid the dark circles that came with her lack of sleep. Yet it was none of this that caught Bill's attention. What caught Bill's attention was the necklace, bracelet, and ring set that Dorea was wearing with the outfit. Lily smiled at her daughter and sat her down in Bill's lap. Bill could only stare at Dorea in shock, he never thought Dorea would ever actually wear the jewellery he made for her as his final NEWTs project for Arithmancy and Ancient Ruins. He grinned and squeezed her tightly, making her squeak a little and look up at him.

"I didn't think you'd like them." he muttered, blushing a little. Dorea grinned up at him and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"How could I not love them? They're beautiful." she whispered in his ear, paused, and kissed his cheek in thanks. Bill felt his face burn bright red as Lily giggled and James laughed, while Dorea turned back and grabbed the plate of food her mother had helped Bill prepare for her. Bill felt his face stretch into a silly grin as he touched the tingling skin were Dorea had kissed him. She kissed him! She kissed him! James slapped Bill's shoulder and grinned at the man.

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