Chapter Two

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          "What?" Bakugo said in a mocking tone, "Not gonna turn around and face me? Too scared?"

          I scoffed, "Scared for you, maybe."

          "Just turn and face me."

          "I'd rather spare myself from having to look you in the eyes," I said cooly. 

Translation: I'd rather spare myself from having to see his blood when my quirk was already activated. 

I jabbed at my teeth with my tongue, and sure enough, they were pointed. If I saw his blood now, it would be that much harder to control myself. 

          "What'd you say to me?"

Ah shit. I probably should have kept walking. Getting out of a conversation with Bakugo was hard. 

          "You heard me, Katsu-bitch."

There I go again, running my mouth. At this rate, if I didn't face him it was going to be an explosion to the back. 

          "Listen here, Fangs-"

          "I'm listening." 

          "Don't cut me off when I'm talking! I know you're going to be at the entrance exams tomorrow. I'm going to destroy you. I'll be the only person from our middle school who gets into U.A."

          "Isn't Izuku applying too? Maybe you should be worried about him and not me."

          "Ha!" Bakugo said, "Deku doesn't stand a chance, that quirkless shit-"

          "Yeah okay," I stuffed my hands into my pocket, "I get it. Are you done?"

         I could practically feel Bakugo's rage now, "You aren't much better, Fangs. How are you going to get in? Forcing the Pro-Heroes to pass you? Maybe you'll sabotage everyone else by making them bleed-"

I clenched my fist and turned around to face Bakugo. He stood in front of me, a small prick on his finger still bleeding. I was sure he did that to provoke me. Still, in that moment of rage, I couldn't control myself. 

          "Shut up," I said to him, my now red eyes flaring. 

          "Or what?" he grinned and brought his hand up, letting mini-explosions burst in his palms. 

I glanced at the blood on his finger then back at his smug face, and at that moment all I wanted was for him to feel sorry for what he had said to me. It wasn't a thought that I had often, for long periods of time, it just crossed my mind for a split second. 

That second was enough. 

Almost unconsciously, I jerked my hand, and Bakugo's whole body went stiff. His hands dropped to his side and his expression morphed from anger to disbelief, then back to anger. 

          "You're kidding me, Fangs."

          My face fell, "Sorry! I don't know how too-," I moved my hand to the side, causing Bakugo to jerk to the side himself, "Sorry! I can't-"

          "Let me go, bitch!"

          "I don't know how," I said, looking at him with desperation. 

          "You can't seriously expect me to sit here and wait eight minutes," Bakugo glared at me, "I'm getting you back for this, Fangs."

          "Stop calling me Fangs!" I said, throwing my hands up in the air. 

Katsuki Bakugo x Reader: Blood LustWhere stories live. Discover now