Mom placed her hand on my shoulder and smiled, "Your friends are fine. All of them woke up a few days ago. When the doctors allow more visitors, we'll bring them in to see you."

I sighed in relief, knowing that the others were okay made me finally relax more. Just then, a knock came from the door to my room.

All three of us looked towards the door.

"Come in." Mom said. The door opened, revealing the missing members of my family. My father and two brothers crept quietly into the room.

"Is she okay?" Lellal asked walking further into the room, "I felt her energy shift and-"

"Lellal. Reilo. Dad." I said happily, grabbing their attention.

Reilo gasped and ran to the bed, jumping onto it and hugging me tightly, to which I returned just as much.

"Saoirse, thank goodness you're all right." Dad said, "How do you feel? Any dizziness? Breathing problems?" He ran over to me and did a quick once over to see if I was physically fine.

I simply laughed and grabbed his hand to make him stop worrying so much.

"I'm all right. A little drained, but I'm fine." I answered. My father still seemed extremely worried, but he hid it well. My father and brothers smiled when they saw me not worried and smiling.

Reilo got off the bed and stood next to Lellal and out father.

"Siri?" Nalira said questioningly. I looked down at my little sister who was shuffling her feet on the floor and looking down at her folded hands.

"What's the matter, Nalira?" I asked, curious about her fidgeting.

She looked back up at me, her cheeks bright red, "Can... Can I sit on your lap?"

My eyes widened for a second. I never expected to hear from my little sister that she wanted to sit on my lap. But I couldn't refuse.

I stretched out my arms towards her, "Of course you can. Come here." I said. Nalira smiled even brighter with so much happiness in her eyes.

She walked closer to me near the edge of the bed and I picked her up, settling her on my lap in the bed. She leaned into my chest and snuggled closer. I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her tightly.

For the longest time, I had never thought I would have a younger sibling to hold like this. Now, I had a bigger family, not just by blood, but in the others as well.

I have never been happier. I was alive and with my family. Nothing could be better.

"What's happened during the weeks I was unconscious?" I asked.

Dad and mom looked at each and smiled, but before they were going to tell me what happened, we heard the door knock again.

"Pardon me." A voice said from the other side of the door. The door opened and a woman in a white coat came inside holding a clipboard and a stethoscope wrapped around her neck.

"I see our patient is finally awake. I'm glad." She said, walking over to the side of the bed and giving me her hand to shake.

"My name is Dr. Nocera, I'll be watching over you until you're discharged." She introduced herself. I smiled and shook her hand.

After our introduction, she ushered my family out of the room so she can perform a physical on me. The tests went quickly, with her writing the results on her clipboard. An hour passed and the gave me a clean bill of health, although she prescribed that I get plenty of rest.

"All right then." She said, "You seem to have healed from your injuries, but I still want to keep an eye on you for the next couple of days. If I still don't see complications to your health, then I'll release you from our care."

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