Ignorance was not the only shield for children, but for Percy whose mother was oh so busy and he was expected to care for himself in her absence, it was a powerful shield.

Triton promised Percy he would answer more when he was older, when he was safe and able to be told all that he was and all that he wanted to know.

He spoke of a camp for Godly children, a camp that perhaps one day Percy could attend.

But not yet, Triton said that it wasn't safe. Not for Percy. Not if Triton was right about his Metua.

Percy agreed, he trusted Triton. Triton was like his big brother, and Percy knew he'd keep him safe.

But he also couldn't help wondering who his father could be that he wouldn't be safe at a camp for children of the Gods.


The Summer Solstice arrived at long last.

Things had been very busy, and Percy was buried in stuff to do, but thankfully he'd still managed to get Triton's gift done.

He'd only realized the date in the last week, mind you, so it wasn't the best gift, but he had something and that was the important thing.

He'd dug through the library for information on the Summer Solstice, and it seemed to be a lot of meals and sharing stuff with family and honoring the sun. One thing mentioned it being the new year in Ancient Greece, so maybe he should wish Triton a happy new year? Was the New Year the same in the sea? And there was some holiday called Kronia that celebrated food... He wasn't sure how to celebrate it, but since it kinda honored the sun... maybe he could do that?

So he read some suggestions and wore orange, which was the color of the sun, and drew a pretty picture for the Sun (was that Apollo? Helios? If the Gods were there then it should be one of Them right?).

Anyways, he saved some of the dinner from the night before, kofta and baked beans, to share with Triton. He'd also painted a rock to look like a seashell. It was kinda rough, but he thought it looked nice.

He felt bad it was all last minute, but he did also try to fill the stone with purifying energy, like the sand dollars.

If he'd planned ahead more he could've asked his mom to make hamam mahshi instead, but it would have to do.

Triton seemed happy at least. He said the energy would dissipate (which apparently meant dissolve or leave) from the rock-shell soon.

Percy was proud when Triton said it was advanced for his age, even if it was roughly done. And then Triton also promised to show Percy some cool tricks to make it last longer another day!

Percy ate the leftover food with Triton and basked in Triton's praise.

Triton was always so supportive.


Percy's birthday was a bit over a month after the solstice, yet it felt like no time at all before it arrived as well.

Triton gifted him a charm for his bracelet this time, Triton called it a poturu. It was a little pearl and Triton said it could be used to escape from anywhere in the world, or beyond. This one was a Personal Pearl (or ta'potu), Triton made it himself.

It would bring Percy straight to Triton, no matter where Percy was, or where Triton was.

Apparently there were a variety of types of poturu. Some could bring you to the closest body of water (wa'potu), or that would bring you to water you considered safest (uo'potu), or even ones that would just shield you in place (pa'potu). But Triton thought this one would be best.

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