Harry looked up, after finally finishing the one sentence he's been trying to get through ever since Louis showed up. "It's not that I don't like talking, it's that I don't have anything to talk about."

"Well that's not true, there's tons to talk about. Why'd you come to Doncaster? How old are you? Why are you curled up in your sweatshirts with only your hands sticking out so that you look like a T-Rex? What's your favorite color? Stuff like that." Louis giggled.

"My mom says I need to live a more extravagant life. I'm sixteen. I'm cold. Green."

Louis shook his head, "Wow you really put no effort into that."

Harry couldn't help but smile a bit as he looked down at the ground trying to hide his grin.

Suddenly he felt cold and small fingers on his chin, lifting it up until his eyes shot straight into Louis'. He felt immediate chills as the two boys stared at each other.

"A smile looks good on you."

Harry's cheeks immediately flushed and became impossibly warm, despite the cold temperatures around him, and Louis lowered his hand.

"You should do it more often."

Maybe Harry did like this boy. Maybe he wasn't as annoying as he seemed. Maybe Harry should get to know him.

"So how old are you." Harry asked, even though he already knew the answer. He truly wasn't the best at making conversation, so he just re-asked one of the questions Louis had just asked.

"So he does know how to keep a conversation? I'm eighteen."

Harry nodded. Where to go from there? He had no idea.

Luckily Louis did, "So why is green your favorite color?" He asked as he plopped himself on his butt, leaning back and holding himself up with his arms as he crossed his legs in Indian style.

"I don't know. I guess it's because it's one of the most natural colors, so you know you can never go a day without seeing it."

"And it's the color of your eyes." Louis added, pointing at Harry's face.

"Yeah, but that's not why it's my favorite color. Who's favorite color is determined by their eye color?"

"Mine." Louis giggled.

Harry smiled a bit as he looked into the bright blue eyes that shone back at him. "Well, you have a pretty eye color, so I get why it's your favorite. I don't think I've ever seen a blue quite like it."

"I only know of one thing that shares the same color as my eyes."


"Look around you." Louis chuckled as he motioned to all of the bright blue flowers surrounding them. It was almost like Harry was taking them in for the first time. They were truly beautiful, and the sight of the caramel boy sitting in the middle, with the eyes that shared the color of the flowers, seemed like it could be out of a painting.

"Woah." Harry let out in a quick breath.

Louis smiled. "They're called Bluebells. They were my grandma's favorite flower, and when I was born, my grandma, who had dementia by the way, immediately made the connection between her favorite flowers and her grandson's eyes. So my parents named me after her. She died shortly after."

"Oh, I'm so sorry Louis. What was her name?"

"Louisa. She was truly an angel, even though she couldn't remember it, we always told her she was. But all of my memories of her were from stories or photos, so I'm not too down about her passing. No need to pity me." Louis smiled.

Baby Blue [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now