"No you didn't... come sit next to me" Gaby reassured her and I lean back against the chair feeling anxious about the birth of the babies. Jennie smiles placing her jacket down and sits down on the opposite side of the hospital bed.

"Did the nurse take a look inside of your vagina? How dilated are you right now?" Jennie blurts out and I look up from my hands. Now I know where Gaby gets it.

"Yeah she did... It felt weird. I'm still five centimeters and it's been two hours but she told me it's like a size of a kiwi" Gaby jokes and I just shake my head at the two weirdos having this weird conversation.


We were finally moved into a birthing room after being here for almost ten hours, it was already four in the morning of the next day and now Gaby was exhausted since she only slept for an hour before the contractions started getting too much. She had her epidural about three hours ago, it was scary watching the needle go into her spine. I grabbed Gaby's hand and the female doctor lifted her hospital gown, placing her feet on the metal bars.

"Gaby it's time to start pushing" The doctor said and she squeezed my hand hard, I bit my lip from her squeezing so damn hard.

"No no I don't want to push... not yet" She cried and I brought my free hand wiping her tears, seeing her nervous.

"I'm right here with you... once you push out the twins then that's it, it'll be over" I said and she side eyes me giving me a look to shut up. I immediately stay shut and I look back at the doctor nodding at her.

"I'm about to tear my vagina... when they grow up they better be fucking grateful!" She groans loudly making the room full of nurses laugh including the doctor.

"I see the head... Gaby you need to start pushing now" The doctor said and suddenly Gaby screams in agony. Five minutes past and the doctor yells out that the head came out which was fast.

"Get these babies out of me!" She yells and I watch her face scrunch up as she pushes even harder. I look over her legs that were being held up and get the gruesome view of the one of the babies shoulder's coming out. I look away quickly feeling light headed from seeing the baby coming out. I gulp, looking back at Gabriela who was sweating and crying probably exhausted.

"Sir do you need water?" I look at the nurse and she hands me the cup of water. I quickly drink it feeling a bit better. Ten minutes past of just groans and screams and finally baby cries were heard, the doctor brings the baby up and a nurse runs beside her placing the baby in the blanket. The doctor looks at me for the scissors and I shake my head letting her cut it.

"Baby one is out Gabriela don't worry we're almost done, just keep pushing I can see baby two already" The doctor looked up at her. I grabbed the wet cloth that the nurse provided me and I wiped Gaby's forehead, huge tears run down her cheeks I lean down kissing her lips.

"Don't worry baby... just push" I said and she looked up through her tired, red eyes.

"Shut the fuck up Gabriel" She angrily yells at me and holds my hand tighter as she starts to push out the second baby.


"Baby two is out" The doctor raised the baby and I notice that he wasn't crying or moving like most babies do when there born.

"The baby isn't breathing... hold him" The nurse grabs the baby while the doctor gets Gaby to push out the placenta and then stitches her up. I felt my eyes water as I watched the nurse try to get the baby to breath.

Gabriela cried and I moved my thumb caressing her hand trying to calm her down. A few silent minutes later and loud cries erupted from the small baby and I sighed in relief feeling the tears slide down from happiness. I look down at Gaby and she closes her eyes breathing in heavily.

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