The Trouble With Tournaments

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Ellie's fourth year brought on the news of The Triwizard Tournament, which was to be held at Hogwarts that very year. This induced a frenzy of excitement from everyone, especially those who were interested in participating themselves, along with the announcement that two other schools were to be competing with them as well.

The excitement died down for many, however, when Dumbledore had announced that no student under the age of 17 could volunteer to participate, which was more than half of those attending, her included. She didn't mind it really, seeing as she had no interest in competing for the Triwzard cup (she wasn't very athletic or even brave enough for that matter), but many of her Hufflepuff housemates were upset about the newly implemented rule.

From her spot in the table she was able to look across the room and spot Draco, who was seated with his Slytherin housemates. He rolled his eyes and looked very displeased so she could only assume that he was interested in putting his name in the goblet. She felt a surge of gratitude for Dumbledore and his new rule then. If his words were anything to heed, the challenges the tournament consisted of was nothing to laugh at.

The schools they would be competing with was Beaxbatons Academy of Magic and Drumstrang Institute and all the students were very enthused with the new arrivals, Mauve included.

"Viktor Krum? More like Viktor Yum," she teased with a mischievous wink towards said boy's direction, sending him a little wave.

Ellie lightly elbowed her shoulder, embarrassed at her daring friend's antics, yet was unable to stifle back a laugh. Despite being a Hufflepuff, Mauve could very much rival any Gryfiindor's bravery. Especially when it came to boys.

"He just got here and you're already making googly eyes at him? Geez Mauve, give him a second to stretch his legs at least," Ellie teased as Mauve tossed a pea at her, causing her to snicker.

"Oh ha-ha. Keep in mind that with the Triwizard Tournament there's the Yule Ball and there's no way I'm letting you attend without a date, so you better have some boys in mind 'cause Merlin knows I'm not gonna be the one scrambling to find you one last minute," she said as she began to dig into the feast.

Ellie's cheeks reddened as she found her eyes wondering back to Draco, who at the moment seemed to be laughing at something Blaise Zabini had said.

Despite them being best friends, Ellie never told Mauve about her crush on Draco, for several reasons:

1. It was Draco Malfoy, the 'Slytherin prince'.

2. Mauve absolutely despised Draco Malfoy, the 'Slytherin prince'.

3. She would probably pressure Ellie to say more than two words to Draco Malfoy, the 'Slytherin prince', because despite her personal feelings for him, she was as supportive a friend as possible and as pushy as one could be.

Besides, she thought, it's not like anything was ever going to happen with him. And as for the Yule Ball, Draco would never be interested in being her date. She made a mental note to think of someone before the time came just so Mauve could be pleased.

Talk of the tournament had shifted one day, however, when they announced the participants and Harry Potter, a fourth year, was picked by the Goblet of Fire.

Not only was Harry not 17, but the champion for Hogwarts was already picked: fellow Hufflepuff Cedric Diggory. Many blamed Harry, believing he had done some spell to outdo the enchantment Dumbledore had casted around the Goblet. Ellie herself didn't know what to think. From what she knew and experienced about Harry, it didn't seem like something he'd do. Still, someone threw his name in and now Hogwarts had two champions.

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