chapter 2

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when you and Izuku awake, you are in an unfamiliar room with black walls and a mirror. you both look forward to see a stuffed bear, though you guys didn't know what that was. Your ears flatten against your head, you hide behind Izuku as he inspects it. suddenly it moved slightly and he moves back. you got scared so you opened a hole to the void and it fell into it.

name: y/n l/n

age: 5


neko: has act ears tail, senses

drawbacks:  sometimes gets heats

void: can create a hole in the space time continuum and anything that falls in can only get out by her opening another hole and purposely wants to come out

drawbacks:  eyes must be uncovered to be used and gets massive head aches

soon you started to get a head ache as this is the 15th time you used it and your only 5 years old. Izuku put his hand on your head and it started to glow green as your headache slowly fades away.

name: Izuku Midoriya 

age: 6 


healer: he can heal any injury or pain with the touch of his hand

drawbacks: cant heal himself

neko: has act ears tail, senses

drawbacks: has a need to be with his mate during there heat

"thanks Izuku" you said quietly whilst leaning on him.

Lab rats (Deku x reader) (completed, 2nd book out)Where stories live. Discover now